WCRP Data Advisory Council May 6-7, 2014 Overview
Mission act as a single entry point for all WCRP data, information, and observation activities with its sister programmes, coordinate their high-level aspects across the WCRP, ensure cooperation with main WCRP partners such as GCOS, CEOS, CGMS and other observing programmes WDAC works with the WCRP Modeling Advisory Council to promote effective use of observations with models and to address issues related to the coordinated development of data assimilation, reanalysis, Observing System Sampling Experiments, fluxes and paleoclimatic data and their assessments (metrics, etc.). WCRP Data Advisory Council (WDAC)
WDAC3 Thank you for participating in WDAC3 Special thanks to NIU Galway for hosting this meeting and to Brian Ward for local preparations Our agenda is both diverse and full, so please respect the time limits
WDAC3 Overview Agenda Approval JSC34 requests Surface Fluxes Dataset Quality Assessment obs4MIPs Publications WDAC Business
JSC34 Recommendations [1] Need for best practices on process of publishing datasets and their endorsement. –Request a white paper from projects, starting with GEWEX. (Done) –WDAC will coordinate development of a WCRP-wide dataset quality assessment process. (In process) –WDAC will distribute to other Core Projects for input/comment and make it available for Spring 2014 discussions. Need for guidelines for submitting datasets to ESGF. –Core Project data sets will be considered as early entrants to ESGF. Core Projects and other entities represented on WDAC should nominate datasets for inclusion in the ESGF (both old and new) by next WDAC meeting. (?)
JSC34 Recommendations [2] Following the lead of SPARC, WDAC to consider the use of Open access journals citations for data sets via use of DOI across the whole of the WCRP. –WDAC will discuss and draft a recommendation to the JSC on using DOIs as a way to document data sets from Core Projects. (This topic will be discussed at WDAC-3). Evaluate WCRP efforts on surface fluxes relative to plan developed across CLIVAR, GEWEX, WGNE, SOLAS as posted on the WCRP website. –Core Projects should nominate representatives to surface flux discussion in early –GEWEX and CLIVAR to consider joint session making scientific progress on surface fluxes at 2014 Pan GEWEX/CLIVAR meetings. –WDAC to include a specific agenda item on fluxes at its next session and seek ways to reinvigorate this effort. (Done)
WDAC3 Topics Fluxes, Flux Modeling, Data Assimilation, etc. Data Dissemination, Inventories, obs4MIPS, etc. Quality assessment and best practices Publication guidelines WDAC Business
Agenda Approval
WDAC-2 Recs/Actions WDAC2 Outcomes Darmstadt, 4-5 March TopicOutcome SCOPE-CMPilot phase completed; broader participation in Phase 2 – starts 1/2014 ECV InventoryGOSIC / CEOS/CGMS Harmonization joint tool – CEOS SIT supportive – in situ QA/QC by GCOS panels? Obs4MIPSEstablished WDAC Task Team (TT) to advise on *4MIPS activities Reanalysis/FluxesAgreed to continue planning of WCRP Workshop in 2014; develop TOR for a TT Dataset Quality Assessment GEWEX to provide a short white paper on best practices; circulate to WCRP core projects first, then wider distribution WMO Rolling Requirements Review Considerations concerning long term stability and additional granularity are needed GCOS ReviewWDAC represented WCRP at 1 st Meeting in March 2013 WDAC-3Galway, Ireland – April 2013
Actions for your consideration We will put together a summary of actions for your input and approval tomorrow Expect this as the last item on our agenda