Practical Podcasting -From Start to Finish Alan Carr- Mid Cheshire College Alan Hilliard- University of Hertfordshire
Session Outline Create a podcast based on a discussion question The podcast will then be uploaded to PodOmatic and VLE for review by group Examples of Podcasts in education - discussion to share practice The Podcast Challenge think about it – record it – publish it – listen to it – all in 45mins
Discussion Question How can podcasting be effectively employed for curriculum delivery? What are the likely benefits?
Discussion Question What opportunities do we see for students to create podcasts? What are the likely benefits?
Staff Use Record lectures – Either during or before & include slides / show notes Add social activity to the lecture – deeper discussion (and record it!) Commentaries aka radio show – record regular commentaries in addition to the lecture (e.g. weekly updates, tips, views)
How can I use this? (staff) Preparation work – create material during the summer prior to module starting Field trips/ guides – virtual tour ‘musecast’ (inc images) & commentary Q & A and Tutorial sessions – Answer questions submitted by students – Record 1-to-1 session with student Interview experts, guest lecturers – Conferences, placements
Student podcasting Increases presentation skills – More confident – Iterative process (critiquing) – Review & practice = improve vocab Encourages creativity – Explore & express ideas – Share perceptions – And show off!
Student Podcasting Field trips, placements, language practice, record of group work, seminars, lectures, interviews, field notes, interviews (with each other, experts). Oral essays (poster!) sound effects, music, commentary, readings - pull in above to create their own interpretation
Institutional Podcasting Institutional promotion – Campus guides, student interviews, staff interviews – used to promote the university and it’s location to domestic and foreign students. Student support (news, religion) Linking institution to community – Profcasts, guest lecturers (seeds of interest). – Establish links to local schools (& abroad).
Thank you. Any questions? Alan Carr Alan Hilliard Mid Cheshire College University of Hertfordshire