NCMA Strategic Objectives Feedback Neal J. Couture, CPCM Executive Director
1 Overview Survey conducted from June 17-July responses. EAC, Fellows, and sample of NCMA members surveyed. Survey used 5 category responses from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” Survey questions developed by Strategic Planning Committee subcommittees.
2 1.1 Contract management is viewed as an essential business function w/in your organization.
3 1.2 Contract managers have a “seat at the table” in critical business decisions.
4 1.3 Government and industry leaders in the acquisition profession view NCMA events as a neutral forum for exchange of ideas on issues confronting the contract management profession.
5 1.4 Government and industry leaders in the acquisition profession are willing to participate in NCMA events.
6 1.5 Government and industry leaders in the acquisition profession are willing to speak openly at NCMA events on issues confronting the contract management profession.
7 1.6 Government and industry leaders in the acquisition profession are willing to speak openly at NCMA events on issues affecting the acquisition process.
8 2.1 NCMA is a promoter or a promulgator of integrity and ethical standards w/in the profession.
9 2.2 NCMA standards are widely known and accepted as a framework for best practices.
I am personally aware of what the NCMA professional standards are.
The CMBOK is used as a best practices tool w/in my organization.
NCMA standards are used as a best practices tool w/in my organization.
Undergrad and grad students view contract management as a viable profession.
Undergrad and grad students realize NCMA has the tools, processes, and “social fabric” necessary to assist them w/ their academic and career goals.
NCMA facilitates access to training and educational opportunities available from related functional fields.
NCMA supports members if career development takes them to a related functional field and assists members of related business career fields if they move into CM.
I am satisfied w/ the overall value of my NCMA membership.
I am satisfied w/ the program and services offered by my local chapter.
I am satisfied w/ the programs and services offered by NCMA outside of my chapter.
20 Demographics Average experience in the CM field: 26.8 years
21 Comments More than 200 comments received. Wide ranging feedback, positive and negative. Overall: positive support of our strategic objectives. No consensus on how well we are achieving them so far. “NCMA is sometimes the best kept secret of our profession. But we have come a long way in spreading the word and pushing the profession, and NCMA as a valuable resource and member organization.”