Finnish Food Safety Authority
Scientific Activities on ASF in Finland Ulla Rikula Tallinn 26 Feb 2016
1. Possible Routes of Entry into the country for African Swine Fever – Risk profile Evira Research Reports 4/2011, in Finnish with English summary, Risk Assessment Unit (updating 2016) 2. The Effects of Structural Change in Agriculture on the Spread of Animal Disease in Finland Evira Research Reports 3/2015, in English Risk Assessment Unit & Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) 3
3. Rapid risk assessment tool for animal disease risk assessment - method development project Used when rough estimate of risk needed soon after the threat arises emergency risk management activities Research Group: Jonna Kyyrö, Leena Sahlström, Tapani Lyytikäinen, Risk Assessment Unit, Evira Current Projects Epizootic Diseases 4
4. Diagnostic methods for ASF – virus detection Conventional PCR (Aqüero et al. 2003) Real time PCR (Fernández-Pineiro et al. 2013)* Conventional PCR for genotyping (presequencing PCR) SOP/CISA/ASF/GENOTYPING/1 (Bastos et al. 2003)* Antigen ELISA (Ingenasa) * FINAS accreditation 5
4. Diagnostic methods for ASF – antibody detection Antibody ELISA (Ingenasa)* FINAS accreditation Indirect immunoperoxidase test (IPT) for ASF antibodies (plates and SOP from ASF reference laboratory CISA-INIA, Madrid, Spain) Annual participation to ASF proficiency tests since 2004 methods used fit for purpose 6
Tallinn 26 Feb 2016 Cumulative numbers of hunted/dead wb tested for ASF in (n = 138 and 171, respectively) in Finland 7
5. COST Action CA15116 COST Association Understanding and combating African Swine Fever in Europe (ASF-STOP) Objective: Stop ASF from spreading further in Europe and protecting the European pig industry by combating ASF through a comprehensive, multi- and interdisciplinary approach Research objectives: Development of knowledge on ASF-virus, diagnostics and vaccines 8
The broader the smile, the better the biosecurity! Thank you! 9 EXCELLENT GOOD ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT POOR