Dream On! Good Heavens! So Sue Me! Esu! gods bless you! Read the small print!
Land of the Aboriginies
In mythic times they were supernatural beings who emerged and roamed the earth
This ensures that certain people are forbidden to participate in certain rituals..
As an expectant parent visits a sacred site, or become involved in a specific ritual, the spiritual essence of the Ancestors comes to reside here
Wilyaru ritual
Belief in one god
Belief in many gods
A story that tends to answer questions of origins and serves as a source of sacred truth
The transmission of the divine will or knowledge to human beings, typically through myths or religious experience
The Beginning of all Religion
A means of seeking spiritual power through an encounter with a guardian spirit, usually in the form of an animal.
Connecting link between heaven and earth during the Sun Dance
North west regions of central Africa, in Nigera, Benin, and Togo
The hundreds of various Yoruba deities
The Yoruba trickster figure
Casting bones and predicting the future
Details how we are to act while living in the world
Seeing things from another’s perspective
Understanding of the nature of the universe