The Opportunity Of Your Life
You have opportunity right now … on this very day … that you'll never have again... Are you going to let it pass you by … or are you going to make full and valuable use of it ?
The moments that make up this day are moments you can use to solve problems … to develop more effective ways of doing things … and to create value.
The moments that make up this day are moments you can be using right now to move your life forward
Look around you. See and appreciate what a magnificent world you live in and what a tremendous opportunity you have to make a difference
Within you are dreams that long to be brought to life. Within you is real, substantive, unique value that deserves to be fully expressed and experienced
With joy in your heart and enthusiasm in your actions, get up right now and get busy living the best of those dreams. There are dozens of creative, productive, life-enhancing things you can do, so focus on the first one and get busy
The opportunity of your life is here. Live it with all you have. The opportunity of your life is here. Live it with all you have.