(Transformational) Generative Grammar (변형) 생성 문법
1. Standard Theory (표준이론) Chomsky, Noam (1965) Aspects of Syntactic Theory 표준이론은 초기의 변형생성문법(Transformational Generative Grammar)을 말하며 그 기본 개념은 다음과 같다. “Indefinite number of sentences(surface structures) are derived by means of applying transformational rules to underlying(deep) structure.”
변형생성문법(Transformational Generative Grammar)의 framework(틀) Phrase Structure Rules Projection Rules Lexicon deep structure <== transformational rules (Deletion, Substitution, Insertion, Movement) surface structure <== Morphophonemic rules(Affix Hopping) utterances
(e.g.) deep structure: John past break the window Structural Description: NP-past-V-NP Structural Index: 1, 2, 3, 4 Structural Change: Passivization ⇒ 4, 2+ be -en, 3, 0, by+1 surface structure: the window past+ be -en- V by John Affix Hopping ⇒ (utterance) The window was broken by John.
Phrase Structure Rules (PSRs) 구구조규칙 S → NP AUX VP NP → (Det) (A) N (S) (PP) AUX → TNS (M) (have –en) (be –ing) (be –en) VP → V (PP) VP → V Adv VP → V NP VP → V NP PP
Lexicon (어휘부) Grammatical categories Subcategorizational rules Selectional restrictions Argument structures
Subcategorizational rules (하위범주화 규칙) (1) a. John vanished. b. John vanished into the forest. (2) a. *John belongs. b. John belongs to the group. (3) a. *John put. b. *John put the book. c. John put the book on the desk.
Subcategorizational rules (1) vanish <V>, [ ___ (PP)] (2) belong <V>, [ ___ [PP to-NP]] (3) put <V>, [ ___ NP [LOC PP]] (4) make <V>, [ ___ NP ([PP to/for-NP)]]