The State of Democracy In the Contemporary World March 2 nd, 2004
The State of Democracy Freedom House, Freedom in the World 2002 Freedom House, Freedom in the World 2002 – political freedom freedom to form political parties freedom to form political parties open competition in free and fair elections open competition in free and fair elections – civil liberties personal freedoms (e.g. speech, press) personal freedoms (e.g. speech, press) religious, ethnic, linguistic rights religious, ethnic, linguistic rights
The State of Democracy total countries=192 total countries=192 electoral democracies=121 (63%) electoral democracies=121 (63%) – 1987=40% free countries=89 (46%) free countries=89 (46%) many countries are electoral democracies without being free!! many countries are electoral democracies without being free!!
The State of Democracy Over Time
The State of Democracy top rankings top rankings – 34 countries (all Western industrialized countries) including... Australia Australia Canada Canada France France Germany Germany UK UK United States United States
The State of Democracy worst rankings worst rankings – 9 worst Burma Burma Cuba Cuba Iraq Iraq North Korea North Korea Libya Libya Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Sudan Sudan Syria Syria Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
The State of Democracy the number of free democratic societies is growing the number of free democratic societies is growing – however, the number of electoral democracies has grown faster than the number of free democratic societies – electoral democracy does not equal free democracy