Leading the Way
Coaches realize The whole is never the sum of the parts – it is greater or lesser, depending on how well the individuals work together. Effective coaches pay more attention to doing the right thing than doing things right.
A Coach Is… Directions: Without conversation, write your personal definition of a coach. Find a partner and share your definition. Combine your definitions into one statement. Write on a piece of chart paper write the statement you and your partner created together.
Leading the Way Means… Empower others Involve everyone Keep the team focused on the purpose and collective agreements Set goals Maintain a focus on results Model
Leading the Way Means… Work to clarify, develop, analyze Serve as a driving engine of the process Draw conclusions and create opportunities Support and encourage others Share strategies
Key Skills for Leading the Way Able to facilitate reflection Possess specific knowledge and skills Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills Establish trusting relationships Ability to observe and provide quality feedback
Key Skills for Leading the Way Use questions as a prompt for reflections – not judgmental Serve as a resource Understand the need to make changes as easy as possible Flexible
Leading the Way in Different Hats Facilitating Presenting Coaching Consulting
Guiding Questions What will be your primary responsibilities as a coach? What strengths will you bring as a coach to the team? What challenges do you foresee that you will face as a coach? How will you address the challenges as a coach?
Leading the Way Questions asked by effective coaches: What are our successes? What contributes to these successes? What did we do to achieve them? Where do we go from here? What will we do?
Leading the Way It comes down to a matter of motivating people to work hard and prepare to play as a team. The essence of coaching is the attention to details and the monitoring of results – these are what help leaders realize visions and accomplish goals.