Establishing Literacy Coaching in your School
Assessment as, of and for learning
What will we explore together? What does it mean to be evidence informed? How do we assess for learning, teaching and coaching? How will we know if our learners have learned?
Today’s Goals Develop a collective vision for RE lerners and learning in the Archdiocese. Develop an ongoing sense of ourselves as a team of learners To identify contemporary RE learning To understand the essence and characteristics of assessment as, of and for learning and teaching. To consider what teachers need to learn in order to progress students as well as what they need to do. To better understand what it means to learn in community.
The desired impact of this program and your literacy leadership and coaching Improved student achievement; Improved teacher content knowledge; New pedagogical understandings being applied into teaching practice; Personal learning and understandings applied into your leadership and coaching; Effectively led professional learning communities.
Mapping the Landscape Literacy Learners and Learning Literacy Teaching Literacy LeadershipLiteracy Coaching Finding yourself – finding your way
Reconnecting and Tuning In Return to your Day 3 Coaching Triads Revisit your commitment to act that was a result of your coaching conversation on Day 3. Share: –What did I commit to do? –What did I do and how did I do it? –What challenges /consequences/ sequels? –Two things that I put in to place as a result of my coaching visit and one thing I have planned. (15 mins x 3)
What are we learning? From our coaching visits From your feedback From the WikiSpace
Students learning in community – teachers learning together Refer to the template and view the film with one of these questions in mind (triads – one question per person). How does this story illuminate these questions for you? What does it mean to be a powerfully literate learner? How do we support and enable the learning of others? What does it mean to learn together in community?
Visual Representation Find your 5 o’clock partner – make a group of 4 with another pair. Develop a visual representation of what your group understands: Assessment as, of and for teaching and learning Pin to wall: Gallery Walk
Wellington SC What literacy practices did you observe? What questioning did you observe? What questions do these stories raise for you? What action would you take as a result of viewing these stories?
What does success in learning look, sound or feel like for this cohort of students? Point of collaboration: Students +teachers Point of collaboration: Teachers + teacher leaders Point of collaboration: Teacher leaders + school leaders Point of collaboration: School leaders + regional/system leaders If teachers are to progress this type of student learning, what will they need to learn and do? Success Indicators. If teacher leaders are to support and enable teacher learning, what will they need to learn and do? Success Indicators If school leaders are to support and enable the learning of teacher leaders, what will they need to learn and do? Success Indicators. Connected Learning: Clarifying learning for different levels Constructing an evidence trail © EdPartnerships International, If regional, network and system leaders are to support and enable the learning of school leaders, what do they need to learn and do? Success Indicators. Point of collaboration: regional and system leaders + …… Learning aspirations: Establish an inspiring, compelling vision and purpose Learning diagnosis: Establish what students need to learn in order to progress – equip to learn powerfully
Internet password 7AA60D343CA937073A DE NETWORK: Conference WikiSpace: est-lit-
Using Evidence to Understand Learners and Inform Practice An example from the Field – Evaluating the Impact of Professional Learning How do we know what students need to learn? How will we know if students have learned?
Task Refer to the A3 Template Use the evidence you have brought to determine: Where learners are at Implications for teacher practice and learning Implications of coaches practice and learning
Building Repertoires of Practice Assessing writing and identifying a way forward
Mapping your Coaching Capabilities Between workshop task Create your own mapping tool to locate yourself in the coaching capabilities landscape Determine evidence that would show growth
What does it mean to learn in community? Cards on table – read through and choose one each Meet with your 2 o’clock appointment Discuss the statements you each chose in response to the two questions (10 mins) Meet with your 3 o’clock appointment and repeat (10 mins) Return to table groups and use post-it notes to record ideas for becoming an effective learning community
Determining Criteria for Final Performances of Understanding Facets of Understanding –Explain –Interpret –Apply –Shift perspective –Empathise –Self-assess Refer to feedback sheet for options and ideas
Learning Focus Areas Task: Converse with your school leaders, colleagues and students about what they see as the priority learning needs in these areas? Reading for deep understanding Writing to build and express meaning Developing accountable talk and the meta-language of learning Developing contemporary literate practices and fluency with digital media
Contrived professional learning communities…. Mandated coaching and collaboration have often turned genuine teacher inquiry into rituals of contrived collegiality. Meanwhile data-driven improvement … has stapled teachers to their spreadsheets and kept them calculating and concentrating on tested achievement gains, instead of inspiring animated professional discussion about students and their learning. (Hargreaves, p. 92)
Lively learning communities… We need to build powerful, responsible, and lively professional communities in an increasingly self-regulating but not self- absorbed or self-seeking profession. Here teachers define and pursue high standards and shared targets, and improve by learning continuously through networks, from evidence and from each other. (Hargreaves, p. 92)
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