What religions are represented in the population of Iran? The religion held by the majority of the Iranian population is Shia Muslim (89%). Sunni Muslims in Iran constitute about 9% of the population and the remaining 2% of Iranians are from ‘other’ religions – primarily Zoroastrian, Christian and Jewish.
What is the role of women in Iran? Before the Russian Revolution, women’s roles were extremely different, there was public segregation of the sexes, women generally practiced the chador, (veil) when in public. After the Russian Revolution Iranian women adopted Western values and therefore were encouraged to take in as much education as they can and encouraged to join the labor force.
Describe the educational system Primary school starts at the age of 6 and goes for a duration of 5 years. Middle school also known as the orientation cycle, goes from the sixth to eighth grade. High school is not mandatory it is divided into 3 groups, theoretical, vocational/technical and manual, each program with its only specialties. Education in Iran is divided into two groups, K-12 education which is monitored by the Ministry of Education and higher education which is monitored by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Higher Education in Iran University, institutes of technology, medical schools are all considered as higher education, however you must have a high school diploma in order to attend these institutes.
What is the family structure in Iran In Iran, the family is the basis of the social structure. The concept of family is more private than in many other cultures. Female relatives must be protected from outside influences and are taken care of at all times. It is inappropriate to ask questions about an Iranian's wife or other female relatives. Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. Families tend to be small, only 1 or 2 children, but the extended family is quite close. The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. Elderly relatives are kept at home, not placed in a nursing home. Loyalty to the family comes before other social relationship, even business. Nepotism is considered a good thing, since it implies that employing people one knows and trusts is of primary importance.