ILLUSTRATING OPPORTUNITY COST FALL 2013 The Production Possibilities Curve
I. The Production Possibilities Frontier (curve) Illustration of the trade-offs facing an economy, modeling only two goods Shows the maximum quantity of one good that can be produced for any given production of the other Visual representation of efficiency, opportunity cost – and often growth
The Production Possibility Frontier Quantity of coconuts A B D C Quantity of fish
Increasing Opportunity Cost A Quantity of coconuts Quantity of fish
Economic Growth
PPC Practice Draw a PPC showing changes for each of the following: Pizza and Robots 1.New robot making technology 2.Decrease in the demand for pizza 3.Mad cow disease kills 85% of cows Consumer goods and Capital Goods 4.BP oil spill in the Gulf 5.Faster computer hardware 6.Many workers unemployed 7.Significant increases in education 6
New robot making technology Quantity of Robots Quantity of Pizzas Question #1 7
Decrease in the demand for pizza Question #2 8 Quantity of Robots Quantity of Pizzas
Mad cow disease kills 85% of cows Question #3 9 Quantity of Robots Quantity of Pizzas
BP Oil Spill in the Gulf Quantity of Capital Goods Quantity of Consumer Goods Question #4 10
Faster computer hardware Quantity of Capital Goods Quantity of Consumer Goods Question #5 11
Many workers unemployed Question #6 12 Quantity of Capital Goods Quantity of Consumer Goods
Significant increases in education Quantity of Capital Goods Quantity of Consumer Goods Question #7 13