Principle of hemodialysis In haemodialysis, the blood of the patient via a tube system, controlled by the dialysis machine, passed through a filter. In this filter are hair-thin capillaries, which consist of a semipermeable membrane and are surrounded by a dialysis fluid. Toxic substances or blood salts can now pass through this semipermeable membrane, so that in this way a concentration balance between the patient's blood and dialysis fluid for the said substances takes place and the blood is cleaned. The dialysis machine itself serves to monitor this process of transporting the blood through a system of pumps, and to determine the composition of the dialysis fluid through which the exchange of substances and the reduction of the patient’s blood volume is achieved.
Principle of peritoneal dialysis In peritoneal dialysis a catheter is implanted into the abdominal cavity, through which the substance exchange with the help of the dialysis fluid takes place over the peritoneum of the patient. It is the blood vessels in the peritoneum of the patient, which transport in peritoneal dialysis the toxic substances resulting from kidney failure into the dialysis fluid in the abdomen. After a specified time, the dialysis fluid from the abdomen is drained and the toxic fluids along with excess body fluids are thus removed. Independent patients are thus offered the possibility to carry out their dialysis at home. Patients and their family members may refer to us any time for more detailed information about treatment options in the case of advanced renal insufficiency. We offer individual advice and practical help.
e.htm Peritoneal dialysis uses a natural filter inside your body—the lining of your belly, called the peritoneal membrane—to remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. It also restores the normal balance of certain minerals in the blood (electrolytes). The dialysis fluid fills the belly and pulls out extra minerals and fluids from the bloodstream. These wastes then drain out of the body along with the dialysis fluid into a collection bag. Peritoneal dialysis is usually done at home. Peritoneal Dialysis
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