COMPLEXION Evgenia Bali Jenny Karamani Xanthi Telioridou
TO BEGIN WITH…. Complexion refers to the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially that of the face.
Rates of people’s complexion 30% medium 40% dark 10% tanned 20% fair
The basic types of skin complexion are four : Fair skin Medium skin Tanned skin Dark skin
FAIR SKIN Light skin is a naturally human skin color, which is most commonly found amongst the native populations of Europe. People with light skin pigmentation are often referred to as white or fair.
MEDIUM SKIN Medium skin usually refers to a person΄s skin tone that is not too fair or not too dark. Some people with certain ethnic backgrounds tend to have medium skin. This skin color protects them from the sunlight. Here are some examples : Latin America East and Southeast Asian Middle Eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Spain)
TANNED SKIN ‘Sun tanning’ or, simply, ‘tanning’ is the process whereby skin color is darkened or tanned. The term "tanning" has a cultural origin, arising from the color tan. Its origin lies in the Western culture of Europe, when it became fashionable for young women to seek a less pale complexion. Another way young women tan is with the help of a solarium. The solarium is a device with lamps, whether it is a standing chamber where the customer is standing or a covered bed where they lie.
DARK SKIN Dark skin is a naturally occurring human skin color rich in eumelanin pigments. People with relatively dark skin are referred to as ‘brown’ and those with very dark skin are often referred to as black, although this usage can be ambiguous in some countries, where it is also used to specifically refer to different ethnic groups or populations.
FACTORS THAT AFFECT COMPLEXION Some factors that affect skin complexion are: Age: For instance, if someone had medium skin color when he was born, when he grows up his complexion may change. Atmosphere : The polluted atmosphere blocks the pores and, as a result, changes are created in texture and sometimes in skin color. Climate: The sunlight can offer a healthy tanned look but also be a disastrous factor for the skin. Lifestyle: Most of the products that we use or eat can affect our skin color or the health of our skin negatively.
COLORS OF TRIBES Africa Most tribes in Africa have dark complexion. America Most tribes in America have medium or tanned complexion but there are also some exceptions, such as the tribes which are a reddish color.
Europe All the people in Europe have fair or medium complexion. Asia Most people in Asia have yellowish or medium complexion.
THE STANDARD OF COMPLEXION In the era of Queen Elizabeth, in ancient Greece, in Japan( ) and in the era of Queen Victoria, the standard of beauty used to be fair skin complexion.
However, in the 18th century in France the standard of beauty was pale skin complexion. Nowadays people prefer a medium or tanned skin complexion.