Twins Fraternal twins – non-identical Identical – are the same Identical twins come from 1 egg and sperm. Very early on, when the zygote is dividing in number of cells, the zygote splits into two, separating the zygote.
Siamese Twins Sometimes the zygote doesn’t separate completely and some cells remain attached between the two developing embryos.
Birth Control Methods The Pill – Contains hormones (estrogen and progestin) by preventing the release of an egg (hormones levels trick the body to think that an egg has already been released) as well as making the lining of the uterus thinner. Typically 5% will experience accidental pregnancy and the rate goes up when not used consistently. Vasectomy - An operation which blocks the tubes (the vas deferens) which carry a man's sperm to the penis.
Premature Births This happens before the 36 week of pregnancy.
Breech Births – Babies that are born feet first. Caesarean – Operation where the abdomen is cut and the baby is removed from the uterus.
Fetal Development 8 weeks 12 weeks
16 Weeks 20 Weeks
24 Weeks 30 Weeks
36 Weeks