Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland Pacific Northwest National Laboratory November 15-17, 2005 Constituent Data Editor
2 Table of Contents Constituents of Interest: Constituent View Options Select Constituent Analysis Constituent Identification: Progeny/Decay Products Constituent Properties: Description Units Value References File: Restore all Print Constituent Properties Save and Exit Exit References: Reference Number Short Name Description Search Short Name Help: How to… (F1) Website on Constituent Properties About About FRAMES Constituent Database
3 Start with a blank simulation and add a constituent selection from the Environmental domain.
4 Right click and choose the FRAMES constituent database selection.
5 Constituents of Concern Select Constituents of Concern first, if: 1. an existing constituent is NOT being modified, or 2. a new constituent is NOT being created, or 3. a degradation/decay chain is NOT being created, which does not already exist, or 4. the existing list of constituents meets needs
6 Selecting a Constituent from the Chemicals Already Existing in the Database List By selecting a constituent that already exists in the list, the parent and progeny automatically are ported over to the selected list in the right-side viewer. The constituent listing is alphabetical and NOT according to the progeny chain sequence. For example, U-238 is not last in the sequence chain, and Bi-210 is neither first nor last it the sequence chain.
7 Note: The constituent listing is alphabetical and NOT according to the progeny chain sequence. When Removing constituents from the list, you must move in the order of the progeny chain sequence, beginning with the parent. The order of Removal is NOT in order of the constituent listing. U- 238 is the first constituent that can be removed from the list.
8 Right click and choose the user input option. Below is the interface for the constituent editor. Do NOT Select chemicals first, but Go immediately to the Constituent Identification tab, if: 1. an existing chemical is being modified, or 2. a new chemical is being created, or 3. a degradation/decay chain is being created, which does not already exist.
9 Constituent Identification Option to Add new or Modify existing constituents Normally grayed-out, the Add/Modify button becomes enabled when a change is made to the Name or CAS ID field.
10 Modifying a Constituent Name 1.Changing the name will cause the “Add/Modify” button to change to “Modify”. 2.Selecting Modify will cause the new name to be added as a synonym for the same CAS ID
11 Modifying a Constituent Name 1.Changing the CAS ID will cause the “Add/Modify” button to change to “Add”. 2.Selecting Add will cause the CAS ID to be saved as a new chemical.
12 Let’s Create an Interesting Chemical Chain Decay PCE TCE DCE -VC The Editor lets you define the relationship between parent and progeny. The chain is a result of the relationships.
13 Adding the PCE to TCE relationship. NOTE: You cannot modify a chemical’s Decay Chain while it is selected as a Constituent of Concern.
14 TCE to DCE relationship added.
15 DCE to VC relationship.
16 Go back to PCE and check our work on the decay chain tab.
17 Adding PCE will add all the progeny.
18 The result of only adding PCE. The chain is processed as well. Note: The constituent listing is alphabetical and NOT according to the progeny chain sequence. When Removing constituents from the list, you must move in the order of the progeny chain sequence, beginning with the parent. The order of Removal is NOT in order of the constituent listing. Removal order is as follows: PCE, Trichloroethylene, 1,1- Dichloroethylene, Vinyl Chloride.
19 Constituent Properties
20 Print Constituent Properties…
22 Help…How to