Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Cyclops provides the ISS Program with a method to transfer internally stowed satellites to the external environment. Cyclops provides a structural platform for orienting and mechanically deploying deployable payloads robotically from the ISS. The Cyclops payload will become an on-orbit facility that can be utilized by deployable payloads for deployment from ISS. Deployable payloads can be delivered to ISS, stowed on-board, and then deployed through the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock via Cyclops. After deployment, they begin operations as an independent small satellite or spacecraft orbiting in space with command and support from ground stations independent of ISS mission control.
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Passive Post Structural Interface EVR Contingency Safing Mechanism/ Interface IVA Hand Aid (2)Pusher Plate (pre-deploy)IVA Crew Interface – Preload Mechanism JEM Capture Mechanism Interface EVA Contingency Tether Loops (3) IV Crew Interface/EVR Interface Robotics cues
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar IV Crew Interface/EVR Interface For SPDM Pusher Plate (post-deploy) IVA Crew Interface – Preload Mechanism IVA Hand Aid (2) For SFA TF1 Over Center Gauge EVA Contingency Tether Loops (5)
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Attach Post to A/L Slide Table 1 Place Cyclops over Post 2 Place Satellite on Cyclops 4 Secure Satellite to Cyclops 5 Check if Satellite Secure 6 7 Preload Cyclops Spring Airlock Operations 8 Secure Cyclops with CM 3 Ops Concept
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Airlock Operations 1 Cyclops Grasped by Robotic Arm 2 Robotic Arm Maneuvers Cyclops to Deploy Position 4 Satellite is Deployed by Robotic Arm Actuating Cyclops 5 Robotic Arm Returns Cyclops to Airlock 6 CM Releases Cyclops 3 Ops Concept (cont.)
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Post Removed from Slide Table 5 Cyclops Removed 4 Remove Preload (Allows Pusher Plate to Reset) 2 Airlock Operations 1 CM Releases Cyclops 3 Ops Concept (cont.)
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Experiment Attachment Fixture Standard interface between satellites and Cyclops. Keyed to insure proper orientation of satellite on Cyclops (matches cutout in the Cyclops Pusher Plate). Interfaces with the Payload Retention Mechanism on Cyclops to secure the satellite until deployment.
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Payload Retention Mechanism Mounted to Cyclops structure underneath the Pusher Plate. Secures satellite to Cyclops until deployment. Used by IVA crew to secure the satellite to Cyclops. Experiment Attachment Fixture (EAF) Finger, 3X Experiment Inhibit Switch Contact Zone Payload Retention Mechanism Rotate CCW to open Fingers Rotate CW to close Fingers
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Structural Wall Unsafe Indicator Exposed Remove Before Flight Cam Open; Open Hardstop Engaged Cam Skirt guards Tool insertion Cam Closed; Closed Hardstop Engaged Remove Before Flight Over Center Indicator Tool, 15-5PH H1025 Unsafe Indicator Hidden ~-.6” Travel Over Center Gauge “Dipstick” inserts into a hole on the side of Cyclops structure. Verifies that the Payload Retention Mechanism fingers are in the “over center” position on the cam, indicating that the satellite is secure to Cyclops. Red color on gauge shaft is a visual indicator of cam position (no red showing = secure)
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Scissor Mechanism Provides the force of deployment. Force provided by spring that is preloaded by crew. Restrained by Payload Attachment Mechanism and Payload Retention Mechanism Experiment Experiment Held by PRM Experiment Released by EVR Input Accelerated by Scissor Mechanism Scissor Mechanism at End of Travel Experiment Jettisoned
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Sliding Structure Linear Guide Outriggers, 2X Rolling Joint, 2X Rotary Joint, 4X Compound Joint, 2X Track Plate Shims 2X Pusher Plate
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Structure IVA Preload Input Payload Retention Mech EVR Input SPDM/SFA and IVA crew interface Scissor Mech Preload Mech Transmission Flexible Drive Shaft Over Center Gauge insertion point Preload Display
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar SpinSat is the first satellite to use the Cyclops system. Objective is to provide a test platform to demonstrate and characterize the Electrically- controlled Solid Propellant (ESP) in space, test the Space Surveillance Network’s (SSN) detection and characterization capabilities, provide an atmospheric drag experiment during a more active solar period. Spherical 22” diameter spacecraft is fitted with retroreflectors for satellite laser ranging. Total of 72 ESPs to control spin. SpinSat overview
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Safe, Test, and Arm Plugs Safe Plug installed for launch and on orbit stowage. Held in place with retaining ring. Test Plug installed by crew prior to mounting SpinSat onto Cyclops. Verifies inhibits are in place. Inhibit switches located at the Experiment Attachment Fixture (interface with Cyclops). Removed after SpinSat mounted onto Cyclops and inhibits verified. One spare is flying. Arm Plug installed after inhibits are verified and arms the satellite systems to turn on when SpinSat is released. Final inhibit is removed by ground command after deployment. Safe Plug Test Plug Arm Plug
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar Hazard NumberHazard CauseHazard ControlSafety Verification Cyclops-F02 6. Improper installation of the Cyclops Passive Interface Structure and Cyclops onto the JEM Slide Table 6.2 Install the Cyclops Passive Post Interface Structure to JEM slide table with at least 3 of 4 fasteners ( ) and torque to TDB ft-lb using an on-orbit IVA tool. Crew will visually verify final seating of fasteners Review of crew procedure inputs for proper torque values and visual cues. 8. Improper installation of the JEM SFA EVR or SPDM EVR Removable Assembly onto Cyclops. 8.1 Install the JEM SFA or SPDM EVR Removable Assembly (P/N: SEG ) onto Cyclops with at least 3 of 4 fasteners and torque to TDB ft-lb using an on-orbit IVA tool. Crew will visually verify final seating of fasteners Review of crew procedure inputs for proper torque values and visual cues. Cyclops-F03 1. Cyclops fails to deploy experiment nominally due to primary spring/Pusher Plate/Scissor assembly anomaly. 1.4 IVA operations: The IVA crew will set the proper preload on the primary deployment spring by tightening the Preload Assembly while monitoring the visual indicator position for the correct setting. Note: reference experiment specific hazard report to determine correct preload setting Review of crew procedure inputs for steps to set proper preload on the Primary Deployment Spring. 2. Cyclops/generic experiment assembly is in an indeterminate structure state due to the Cam Retention Finger not retracting completely. 2.3 EVR operations: The IVA crewmember or ground operator will monitor the JEM SFA or SPDM number of turns and torque (TBD/TBD) to ensure the appropriate revolutions to deploy is achieved Review of crew procedure inputs for proper revolutions and torque values. Cyclops-F043. Improper on-orbit integration of Cyclops and generic experiment assembly. 3.1 To obtain full engagement of Cam Retention Fingers to experiment interface bracket the crew will apply final TBD torque (ISS torque wrench) and obtain feedback from a visual indicator on the Cyclops EVR Removable Assembly Review of crew procedure inputs for proper final torque value and visual cues. Cyclops Operational Hazard Controls
Cyclops Splinter With SpinSat and Lonestar SpinSat Operational Hazard Controls Hazard #Hazard CauseHazard ControlSafety Verification STD-SpinSat- F Mating/Demating Power Connectors causing crew injury due to generation of molten metal or damage to ISS mission- or life-critical electrical equipment 12.2 Crew procedure input will require the crew to verify there are no bent pins in the Test Plug or ARM Plug Cap connectors and no debris in the SAFE/ARM Universal Mounting System (UMS) HDF-DB26 connector sockets before installing the Test or ARM Plug. SpinSat -F03 1. Inadvertent Electrical Activation 1.5 Crew will verify all the Test Plug miniature switches LEDs are illuminated, no bent pins in the Test or ARM plug ad no debris in the SpinSat SAFE/ARM UMS HFD-26 sockets connector before installing the Test or ARM plug Review of crew procedure inputs to verify the Test Plug four LEDs are illuminated, no bent pins and no debris before installing the Test Plug or ARM plug Cap. 1.6 Crew will verify the Retaining Cap in “hand tight” and is flush with the SpinSat surface to ensure the ARM Plug is properly engaged Review of crew procedure inputs to verify the Retaining Cap is “hand tight” and is flush with the SpinSat surface. SpinSat -F04 1. Electrical/electronics failures allow the experiment to transmit while in or near the ISS 1.6 Crew will verify all the Test Plug miniature switches LEDs are illuminated, no bent pins in the Test or ARM plug and no debris in the SpinSat SAFE/ARM UMS HDF-26 sockets connector before installing the Test or ARM plug Review of crew procedure inputs to verify the Test Plug four LEDs are illuminated, no bent pins and no debris before installing the Test Plug or ARM plug Cap. 1.7 Crew will verify the Retaining Cap is “hand tight” and is flush with the SpinSat surface to ensure the ARM Plug is properly engaged Review of crew procedure inputs to verify the Retaining Cap is “hand tight” and is flush with the SpinSat surface. SpinSat-F05 2. Crew improperly sets the Cyclops preload 2.1 Ensure the required SpinSat ejection preload inputs are provided for the crew procedures Review of integrated Cyclops/SpinSat crew procedure inputs to verify the SpinSat Preload. SpinSat-F09 2. Electrical/electronics failures allow power to the capacitors while in or near the ISS. 1.5 Crew will verify all the Test Plug miniature switches LEDs are illuminated, no bent pins in the Test or ARM plug and no debris in the SpinSat SAFE/ARM UMS HDF-26 sockets connector before installing the Test or ARM plug Review of crew procedure inputs to verify the Test Plug four LEDs are illuminated, no bent pins and no debris before installing the Test Plug or ARM plug Cap. 1.6 Crew will verify the Retaining Cap is “hand tight” and is flush with the SpinSat surface to ensure the ARM Plug is properly engaged Review of crew procedure inputs to verify the Retaining Cap is “hand tight” and is flush with the SpinSat surface.