Negative Stain
Cheek Cells Without Stain
Cheek Cells with Methylene Blue
Differential Stains: Gram Stain Color of Gram + Color of Gram – Primary stain: Crystal violet Purple Mordant: Iodine Purple Decolorizing agent: Alcohol-acetone PurpleColorless Counterstain: Safranin PurplePink
Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria
Outer membrane Peptidoglycan GRAM NEGATIVE GRAM POSITIVE
Capsule Stain
Figure 3.12a-c
Non Acid-Fast(A) and Acid-Fast (B)
Endospore Stain: Ziehl-Neelsen
Figure 3.12a-c
Endospore Stain
Flagella Stain
Figure 3.12a-c
Stain Comparisons G+ (PURPLE) G – (PINK) ACID FAST SPORE STAIN PRIMARY STAINCrystal violet Carbol Fuschia Malachite green MORDANTIodine Heat DECOLORIZERETOH or acetone: Cell is purple ETOH or acetone: Cell is clear Acid alcohol Water COUNTER-STAINSafranin: Cell is purple Safranin: Cell is pink Methylene Blue Safranin: Spores are green Cell is pink