Learning journal Tiffany Cooper 8.2
Week oneWeek one
Day 1 Monday the 2 nd of August 2010 Today we started with the introduction and got our laptops. Accomplishments: Today I accomplished watching the goal setting PowerPoint, I started the goal setting sheet and I watched the graphic organiser. Likes/dislikes: So far I find the collaborative unit alright but it’s not the greatest.
Day 2 Tuesday the 3 rd of August 2010 Today we had to finalise our tasks from Monday and create a Google account Accomplishments: Today I accomplished creating a Google account and creating a survey. So far this collaborative unit is extremely boring!
Day 3 Wednesday the 4 th of August 2010 Today we had to create an online survey. Accomplishments: Today I accomplished completing an online survey. This collaborative unit is really getting on my nerve. I think it’s a waste of time.
Day 4 Thursday the 5 th of August 2010 Today we had to watch a tutorial on how search on Google. Accomplishments: Today I accomplished sending my survey questions to my working party. Today when I asked for help with my graphic organiser I was told to go back and watch the tutorial again when it only helps the people who are doing cornerstone piece 6. But when I was waiting I herd him telling the girl in front of me all about how the graphic organiser should and shouldn’t be. But he told me to go away and watch the tutorial again! I do not like this Collaborative unit at all.
Day 5 Friday the 6 th of August 2010 Today we had to finish our online survey and send it to 20 people. Accomplishments: Today I accomplished sending my online survey to 20 people. I am really annoyed because I have no idea what to do with the graphic organiser.
Week twoWeek two
Day 6 Monday the 23 rd of August 2010 Today we had to watch tutorials 4&5, view the introduction to phase two and create graphs from our survey data. Accomplishments: Today I accomplished starting the graphs and the start of my online research. I’m not to sure why we had to create graphs when Google have already done that for us.
Day 7 Tuesday the 24 th of August 2010 Today we had to complete Mondays tasks and finish and print out the progress report. Accomplishments: Today I accomplished finishing Mondays tasks and continued my online research. I finished my progress report and printed it out. I think that the collaborative unit is a waste of time and putting all of us behind in our subjects.
Day 8 Wednesday the 25 th of August 2010 Today we had to create a wiki space account. Accomplishments: Today I accomplished creating a wiki space account. I dislike the collaborative unit a lot. It’s really boring.
Day 9 Thursday the 26 th of August 2010 Today we had to upload documents to our wiki space. Accomplishments: Today I decorated my wiki space and continued my research. I am getting behind a lot in maths.
Day 10 Friday the 27 th of August 2010 Today we had to complete our learning journal and invite people into our wiki space. Accomplishments: Today I've accomplished completing my learning journal and my research. This collaborative unit is very, very boring and a waste of time.
Week threeWeek three
Day 11 Monday the 13 th of September 2010
Day 12 Tuesday the 14 th of September 2010
Day 13 Wednesday the 15 th of September 2010
Day 14 Thursday the 16 th of September 2010
Day 15 Friday the 17 th of September 2010