1 DATE-based DAQ Hideyuki Sakamoto CM22, RAL 19/10/08
2 R8 cosmic-ray test stand In R8, cosmic-ray test for Tracker#1 is running, and Tracker DAQ has been tested this time. Trigger counter (C3,4) Trigger counter (C1,2) Light-guides Cryo#2Cryo#1 Lead block Tracker#1
3 DATE-based DAQ By the last week, DAQ using DATE with EPICS has been checked to work correctly by the following procedures. 1.Installation of DATE package 2.Write test code 3.Rebuild trigger logic 4.Take data of C1-4 counters with DATE 5.Check data 6.Take data of C1-4 and 8 VLSBs 7.Check data with that taken by EXCEL 8.Replace code of AFE with EPICS one 9.Check data
4 DATE Installed on 15 th Oct08
5 GUIs for DATE Status display 2. DAQRUNCONTROL 3. DATE Logger 4. editDb
6 Readout in DATE User implement following 5 functions in XXX equipment. 1.ArmXXX- called at starting run 2.DisArmXX - called at stopping run 3.AsynchReadoutXXX - called every event 4.EventArrivedXXX- called after ArmXXX 5.ReadEventXXX- called after trigger arrived User register parameters, such as base address in MySQL. User get those parameters from function’s argument. User can choose options to generate trigger and/or generate data for XXX equipment.
7 Our equipments a.SBS VME bus adaptor b.CAEN V977 I/O Register c.CAEN V792N QDC (16ch-lemo) d.MIL-1553 e.VLSB Trigger module f.VLSB module abcde f From C1-4 From AFEIIt
8 Equipments in DATE NameDescriptionTypeDT#/pars. VMEVME bus adapter40000 AFEAFEIIt boards50101 V977CAEN I/O Register60012 V792NCAEN QDC (16ch-lemo)70102 VLSBSlaveVLSB board80106 VLSBMasterVLSB trigger board/ VLSBSlave controller Type: Number to identify the equipment D: GENDATA T: GENTRIGGER #/pars.: Number of parameters registered in MySQL
9 Start run AFE 1. Check if AFEIIt boards are configured –If no, run stop, and –User configures boards using EPICS ConfigurationUI. 2. Enabling trigger of AFE boards by EPICS
10 Event loop Coin.V977 I/OVLSB Trig EventArrivedVLSBMaster VETO T560 ReadEventVLSBSlave Delay module clock MIL1553 AFEIIt TTL 3 6 LVDS 1, 5 VLSB C1-4 Enable trigger of VLSB 3 Reset VETO 4 Wait until trigger is arrived 5 Check if trigger was accepted to AFE. If no, go back to Disable trigger of VLSB 7 Read VLSB data Clear VLSB buffer 1 Enable monitoring Read Temp/Heat of cassette Disable monitoring Triggger
11 Decoding Following data are recorded. –ADC of trigger counters (4 channels) –Temp/Heater of 4 cassettes (32 channels) –ADC/TDC of 8 VLSBs (4096 channels)
12 DATE Event Structure event header event equipment A equipment B equipment equipment header DATA
13 DATE Event Header (17 words) name#/wordsdescription eventSize (byte)1Header (17 words) + Data eventMagic1 eventHeaderSize (byte)168(0x44) byte = 17 word eventVersion1 eventType1SOR/EOR, PHYSICS, … eventRunNb1Run# eventId2Event# eventTriggerPattern2 eventDetectorPattern1 eventTypeAttribute3 eventLdcId1Ldc# eventGdcId1Gdc# (=0xffffffff for no GDCs) eventTimestamp1Timestamp
14 DATE Equipment Header (7 words) names#/wordsdescriptions equipmentSize (byte)1Header (7 words) + Data equipmentType1# to identify different type of equipment equipmentID1# to identify same type of equipment equipmentTypeAttribute3Not used equipmentBasicElementSize (byte)1Not used
15 Raw data Equipments (GENDATA) –2 AFEIIts & 1 VLSB (includes 2 boards) Events recorded –SOR –PHYSICS –EOR (not seen here) Size of Equipments –AFE = 23 words = 92(0x5c) bytes 7(Header) + 8 (temp) + 8 (heater power) –VLSB = 1167 words = 4668 (0x123c) bytes 7(Header) (145 x 4 links x 2 boards) Size of PHYSICS event –1230 words = 4920 (0x1338) bytes = 17(Header) + 23 x 2(2 AFE) (1 VLSB w/ 2boards) PHYSICS event Header SOR event Header LHB Header LHB data RHB data RHB Header VLSB data VLSB header SOR event Header
16 V792N (QDC) Data Format name#/wordsdescription data16Raw data (ch0 – ch15) V792N 32bit data format:
17 AFE Data Format name#/wordsdescription cassetteSize1#/cassettes (currently 4) tempSize1#/temperatures (should be 8) temperaturetempSizeTemperature (9.0 etc.) heaterSize1#/heater values (should be 8) heatervalueheatSizeHeater value (100 etc.) …continue to the next cassette Note that, temperature is NOT integer. Use float (4 bytes) to read its value. Heater value is integer.
18 VLSB Data Format name#/wordsdescription trigSize1#/triggers (currently, 1) bank1Size1#/data (180, etc..) bank1databank1SizeVLSB 32bit data bank2Size1 bank2databank2Size bank3Size1 bank3databank3Size bank4Size1 bank4databank4Size …continue to the next trigger VLSB32bit data format: 12345678910111213141516171819202321242526272829303122 Pair1syncbit 0 CounterStatus bitsData flagPair0 Chan/ADC/TDC
19 C1-4 ADC distribution
20 Temperatures/Heater values of Cassettes
21 VLPC ADC distribution
22 Summary Tracker DAQ based on DATE in combination with EPICS has been tested and checked to work correctly at R8 cosmic-ray test stand.
23 Next step (R8 XXX MLCR) Modify readout code according to newly updated firmware (VLSB/AFE?) if necessary. Installing Tracker#1 in MICE Hall. Move DAQ pc/VME crate to MLCR. Construct trigger logic using ISIS Spill. Test/debug … Take beam data (Step II.)