What is Science? Science comes from the Latin word “scire”
scire means “to know”
theory the most logical explanation of events that occur in nature.
law a theory that has been tested many times & is accepted as true.
Scientific Method A logical and orderly method used to solve problems using six steps.
1. Stating the Problem (Ask a Question) clear statement defining the problem
2. Gathering Information (Research) get all information available related to problem.
3. Form Hypothesis suggest a possible solution to the problem
4. Test Hypothesis (perform experiment) 1. Independent Variable 2. Dependent Variable 3. Control Variable
Independent Variable (Manipulated Variable) Variable you choose to change on purpose to see what will happen to another variable
Dependent Variable (Responding Variable) What the independent variable changes.
Controlled Variable (Constant Variable) Things that are always kept the same.
Scientific Method 5. Record and Analyze Data observe the experiment and write down important information.
5. Record and Analyze Data a. Data - observations & measurements b. Data is recorded as notes or a table c. Table information is converted into a chart or graph. d. Independent variable is listed down the first vertical column e. Dependent variable is listed across the first horizontal row
6. State Conclusion Tell what your results are
Scientific Method 1. State the problem 2. Gather information 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Test hypothesis 5. Record and analyze data 6. Draw conclusion