Tales and mysteries of PVSS in the land of ECAL Alison Lister ETHZ Alison Lister
Contents: Map of the world of ECAL Detailed map of the lands of SM0 and SM1 Diary and photos of the travels so far Path to follow to reach SM0 Conclusions Alison Lister
Map of the world of ECAL Alison Lister
Map of the world of ECAL Alison Lister
Map of the world of ECAL Separate into 4 sections of sub-detector Each section has same structure Hierarchical structure does not need to represent Physical or PVSS structure One PVSS system need not be represented by a single node and vice- versa
Detailed map of the lands of SM0 and SM1 Alison Lister
Detailed map of the lands of SM0 and SM1 Alison Lister DSS Monitoring of PLCs
Based on FwFSM, Final State Machine, sends commands, receives states PVSS system on a separate computer: CMS_ECAL_HIERARCHY Communicates with all other systems (except for Laser) DSS monitors the PLCs of the TSS Internal structure reflecting that of the figure Cooling system only sends states, does not receive commands, passive monitoring Detailed map of the lands of SM0 and SM1 Supervisory system: Alison Lister
Detailed map of the lands of SM0 and SM1 Alison Lister
Diary of the travels so far CMS_ECAL_HIERARCHY implemented for the Cooling and HV systems CMS_ECAL_COOLING ready for testing CMS_ECAL_HV ready for testing CMS_ECAL_PrecT development started: SMO will have 2 parallel systems: 1 using ELMB, other using Keithley All testbeam data sent to Oracle devdb. Easy to retrieve data (6.5.03: From ETM: all data + alarms sent to Oracle will be implemented in version 3) Alison Lister
Pictures of the travels Alison Lister
Pictures of the travels Alison Lister
Path to reach SM0 Goal: All PVSS systems ready for testing by mid-June Leave time to implement them into Hierarchy TSS system to be developed by Belgrade group, implement basic communication with XDAQ LV communication to define before starting PVSS development Humidity sensors not yet defined but should be similar PVSS system to the precision temperature. Alison Lister
Conclusions Alison Lister On schedule to achieve a nearly “complete” PVSS-controlled DCS for SM0 and SM1 Aim for a complete control by the fwFSM system SM0 first large scale test for ECAL-DCS SM0 systems as “prototype” for complete ECAL The feedback from the shifters during the first weeks of SM0 will be very important
Personal comments Alison Lister Combine PVSS developments between subdetectors as much as possible Would be nice: System of 1-2 hour introduction to PVSS for every new developer or user (c.f. LHCb) (Thanks Frank )