Words to Know Hemingway
Hemingway Hero The Hemingway hero is a man whose concepts are shaped by his view of death; that in the face of death, a man must perform certain acts and these acts often involve enjoying or taking the most he can from life. –He will not talk about his concepts. –He is a man of intense loyalty to a small group b/c he can’t accept abstract things.
Hemingway Hero (cont.) –He does not talk too much. He expresses himself not in words, but in actions. The Hemingway man is not a thinker; he is a man of action. His actions are based upon a concept of life.
Code Hero According to critic Philip Young: the code hero “offers up and exemplifies certain principles of honor, courage, and endurance which in a life of tension and pain make a man a man.” The code hero is the ideal…the “mentor” or “teacher” that the Hemingway Hero attempts to emulate.
Nada concept Darkness and Night represent Death. Death to the Hemingway Hero is a complete end…and is nothingness or “nada.” The Hemingway Hero’s reaction to nada is to strive, above all, to avoid death and embrace life (Carpe Diem).