Modernism Review & Connections to Hemingway
Historical Context World War I ( ) –Directly affected Hemingway who served as a Red Cross ambulance driver –Witnessed loss of life and loss of faith Lost Generation –Disillusioned with American culture, moved to Paris The Roaring Twenties The Great Depression (1929-late 1930’s) –Loss of “American Dream”
Modernism Hemingway writes as a part of the Modernist movement. Modernism began in Europe as a response to the disillusionment of World War I. Modernist themes include escape, disillusionment, and isolation.
Escape Hemingway, as well as other Modernists, wrote about the theme of escape. Man must find something to distract himself from the reality of the world. This theme of escape is often represented through drinking. Religion did not typically serve as this escape!
Disillusionment Being free from false illusions or naïve faith; disenchanted Loss of a sense of optimism World War I brought about much disillusionment as people could not avoid the harsh realities of life and loss. People were not sure what to believe and could not convince themselves of a happy reality.
Isolation Sense of loss, despair, and loneliness Alienation and being “in the dark” Withdrawn characters who feel a sense of nothingness Represents loss of life in World War I and growing sense of despair during Great Depression
Hemingway Hero Man of action (warrior, tough competitor) Has a code of honor, courage, & endurance He shows “grace under pressure” He has thorough disillusionment-at the mysterious center of the universe lay nothing at all-this is Hemingway’s own philosophy. Belief in self: decency, bravery, competence, and skillfulness.