LHC Electronics irradiation tests in the CNGS side gallery September 2009 – partial results D.Kramer for the RADWG 30/9/09report to LMC Thanks to B.Todd,


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Presentation transcript:

LHC Electronics irradiation tests in the CNGS side gallery September 2009 – partial results D.Kramer for the RADWG 30/9/09report to LMC Thanks to B.Todd, E.Gousiou, E.Calvo, E.Effinger, R.Denz, K.Roeed, J.Lendaro, D.McFarlane, M.Brugger, EN/MEF, DG/SCR, Fluka team and the RadMon team (T.Wijnands, A.Nyul, C.Pignard) 1

Outline  Test facility overview  Planning of slots  Calibration of test positions  User results  CRYO  BIC/PIC  BLM  BPM  QPS  HTS CL to be presented next time  WorldFip to be presented next time  TE/EPC no data yet  SURVEY no data yet 30/9/09report to LMC2

Testing area in the TSG4 side gallery of CNGS 30/9/09report to LMC Area available after the displacement of the CNGS electronics to the ventilation chamber 3 Radiation fields similar to the ones expected in LHC

2 Test areas – High & Low flux and dose rate with multiple calibrated locations 30/9/09report to LMC Hottest test area in TSG46: ~ 1.5 Gy(SiO 2 )/week ~ (1MeV n eq.) cm -2 /week Hottest test area in TSG45 : ~ 12Gy(SiO 2 )/week ~ (1MeV n eq.) cm -2 /week This is expected in the LHC arcs* or UJ56/14/16 in 1 nominal year (10Gy/y, 3e11cm -2 ) New FLUKA simulations are now available thanks to K.Roeed TE/EPC CRYO BLM BIC/PIC WorldFip Survey QPS RadMon HTS CL heaters Target chamber 4 *Alongside a dipole

Calibrated radiation field data for all test locations accessible via dedicated Java GUI GUI 30/9/09report to LMC Hottest test area TSG46: ~ 1.5 Gy(SiO 2 )/week ~ (1MeV n eq.) cm -2 /week Hottest test area TSG45 : ~ 12Gy(SiO 2 )/week ~ (1MeV n eq.) cm -2 /week 5

Calibrated radiation field data for all test locations accessible via dedicated Java GUI 30/9/09report to LMC Hottest test area TSG46: ~ 1.5 Gy(SiO 2 )/week ~ (1MeV n eq.) cm -2 /week Hottest test area TSG45 : ~ 12Gy(SiO 2 )/week ~ (1MeV n eq.) cm -2 /week Example for the BLM location – 1month time Like it is the case for FLUKA, Safety Factor of 2 should be used for all the CNGS measurements (high gradients, small detector size) By assuming all the devices to be installed in the worst locations, the estimations are more conservative than 2 times (for SEE related failures) 6

Planning for the user tests Slot #End in weekTSG45-1TSG45-2TSG46-3 TSG WorldFipBLM/BPMCRYOQPS 229WorldFipBLM/BPMCRYOQPS 333WorldFipBLM/BPMCRYOQPS 438 WorldFip + TE/EPC BLM/BPM BIC/PIC + CRYO QPS 541TE/EPC Survey + BLM BIC/PICQPS 647TE/EPCSurveyBIC/PICQPS 30/9/09report to LMC Temporary procedure Temporary procedure for handling irradiated electronics was put in place for CNGS. Valid until 30/11/09. Radioactive electronics WORKSHOP has to be used afterwards. Additional measurements: Activation of water samples TLD (Li6 & Li7) Au & Bi activation foils BLMI sensitivity to thermal neutrons  All users requesting beam time in 2009 received a slot  Only the vacuum group didn’t receive the turbo pumps -> no tests possible 7

USER test results  CRYO  BIC/PIC  BLM  BPM  QPS  HTS CL not enough data  WorldFip not enough data  TE/EPC no data yet  SURVEY no data yet 30/9/09report to LMC  The presented radiation levels are for nominal LHC beam  Estimations for the 2009/10 operation are added when necessary 8

Tunnel Electronics CRYO  Tunnel electronics (~9500 channels in LHC tunnel) have received till now a cumulated dose of:..and the tests are still ongoing.  No Single Event Errors o Output accuracy still within specs ( <0.3% ) Resistance measurements of 5 conditioners: TID (Gy) ~125 NIEL (n/cm 2 ) ~4e TID (Gy) Resistance (Ω) Temperature reading (18 Channels) - Helium level reading (12 Channels) - Digital inputs (24 Channels) - Cold mass electrical heater DC supply (4 Channels) - FIP communication (8 agents) - Power supply (2 cards) Tunnel equipment in CNGS: 30/9/09report to LMC9

Protected Areas Electronics Cumulative Effects Failures CRYO o QRL electrical Heater AC supply (~45 channels in protected areas): Failing component : solid state relay. Planning of moving electronics or shielding of protected areas. o Same results for several channels and reproduced in two different CNGS locations. o Insulated Temperature reading (~2400 channels in protected areas): Failing component : DC-DC converter. Planning of scheduled replacements. 30/9/09report to LMC10 Safety factor 2x to be applied

o Same results for 12 channels and reproduced in two different CNGS locations. o Insulated Temperature Conditioners (~2400 channels in protected areas) : Failing component : ISO 150 Digital Isolator. Mitigation technique for LHC (in progress): soft reset automatically forced by the control system; No influence on proper operation of the machine. Protected Areas Electronics Single Event Upsets CRYO Cross Section (cm 2 ) 2e-9 30/9/09report to LMC11

USER test results  CRYO  BIC/PIC  QPS  BLM  BPM 30/9/09report to LMC

CPLDs Used in the Interlock Systems XC95288 x 300 Beam Interlock System XC95288XL x 34 XC95144 x 36 Power Interlock Controllers UA, UJ, RR UA, SR, TZ TE/MPE/MI has installed a Radiation Test Bench in CNGS XC95144 x 32 XC95288XL x 32 (5V)500nm (3.3V)350nm (5V)500nm 95288/144 (5V) failure = maintenance required = not machine critical 95288XL (3.3V) failure = can compromise safety* N.B. Whole BIS is redundant = *needs two identical failures during a mission 95288XL is used in the control VME chassis Almost = # in LHC 30/9/09report to LMC13

XILINX CPLD test setup in CNGS for BIS and PIC  Dedicated test setup produced only for the radiation tests  One test card (5V) failed after 77Gy  Setup remains in CNGS to verify total dose resistance of the CPLDs  No destructive Latchup observed so far (to be confirmed) 30/9/09report to LMC14

XC9500XL (3.3V) [ UAs, SR, TZ76 etc ]  Failure (SEE induced) cross-section per device =  2.8e-10 cm 2  In UA87 one expects high energy hadron fluence less than (conservative!)  1e8 cm -2 /y  The resulting failure rate for 1 device = SEEs/y  If all the 36 CPLDs were in UA87 (not considering the shielding installed last week), we would get  0.9 failures/y, out of which  20% produce loss of redundancy (5.5y MTBF)  80% lead to a false dump (1.4y MTBF)  We have to keep in mind that this is a low voltage device and might be sensitive to thermal neutrons. In areas like UAs their fluence could be up to 10xhigher than hadrons>20MeV (Fluka analysis to be performed).  If this is true, the 0.9 failures/y is a conservative but not exaggerated estimation.  Tests in thermal neutron beam are being considered 30/9/09report to LMC15

XC9500 (5V)  The device has a very low error cross-section!  Failure (SEE) cross-section =  3.8e-13 cm2  We can assume conservatively  1e9cm -2 /y for the high energy hadron fluence in the RRs.  We get then 3.8e-4 SEEs/y/device which makes  0.14 SEEs/y for the 366 devices, i.e. 7.2y MTBF  In 10% of cases the SEE produces a False dump  In 90% of cases the SEE produces a Monitoring problem   These figures are of the same order of magnitude as the Electrical Reliability of the devices ( according to Xilinx)  In both cases above we don’t care about the total dose, one should not reach 1Gy/y for the concerned locations (except the locations below)  Relocation from UJ56/UJ14/16 is in preparation (cables placed, new location identified) 30/9/09report to LMC16

USER test results  CRYO  BIC/PIC  QPS  BLM  BPM 30/9/09report to LMC

Quick report on the early QPS measurements – WorldFip problems  Field-bus coupler type DQAMGS (new QPS layer)  Errors produced by SEUs in the WorldFip part  Using latest MicroFip TM and FIELDRIVE TM (line driver) version  Data are still readable but no longer updated -> *Access required prior to next fill  Cross section ~ 2.8x cm 2  Assuming 4x10 10 cm -2 /y (10Gy/y) in the arcs and 450 devices one gets:  14 errors*/day  Hardware solution was found and being successfully (so far) tested in CNGS  Accelerated SW compatible MicroFip TM and FIELDRIVE TM development would be much appreciated not only by the QPS team for any future developments  This year’s tests in CGNS confirmed the radiation tolerance of the detection systems of the new QPS layer including the power supplies. Detailed evaluation still to be done. 30/9/09report to LMC18

USER test results  CRYO  BIC/PIC  QPS  BLM  BPM 30/9/09report to LMC19

BLM- System: Installation overview  Arc – Installation  In all the arcs from 12L – 33L, 12R – 34R  Expected Radiation levels: worst case Dose = 1-10 Gy/y (1MeV eq. neutrons = 3* *10 11 cm -2 /y)  360 * BLECF Card (Analogue data acquisition cards)  360 * Hand made power supplies  Straight Section Installation  RR13, RR17, UA23, UA27, UJ33, UA43, UA47, RR53, RR57, UJ63, UJ67, RR73, RR77, UA83, UA87  Expected Radiation levels: worst case Dose = <0.7Gy/y (1MeV eq. neutrons = 1* *10 10 cm -2 /y)  309 * BLECF Card (Analogue data acquisition cards)  74 * 5V Power supplies (Haltec-USR515-5A, of-the-shelf)  37 * 2.5V Power supplies (Haltec-USR515S-2A, of-the-shelf) 30/9/09report to LMC20

BLM- System: test conclusions  Power supplies 5V:  19 years of nominal LHC operation possible  Power supplies 2.5V:  20 years of nominal LHC operation possible  BLECF (Tunnel acquisition card):  more than 20 years LHC operation possible  1 SEE induced failure (false dump) observed  Cross section = 2.2x cm 2, this means for 600 cards assuming all in the arcs  70 days MTBF (fail safe)

USER test results  CRYO  BIC/PIC  QPS  BLM  BPM 30/9/09report to LMC22

BPM electronics Tested up to 123 Gy (>10 nominal years) Chassis similar to the one installed in LHC. 1 uFIP controller card 2 WBTNs 1 Intensity card 1 Power supply Eva Calvo (BI/QP) 2160x in LHC OK failedSEEs 330x in LHC

BPM electronics Tested up to 123 Gy (>10 nominal years)  Intensity card failed very soon  Aim of the intensity cards is to detect obstacles in the machine during its initial operation (low intensity beam)  3x10 10 cm -2 (1MeV n. eq.) means ~ 0.5 nominal LHC years  Most probably not an issue for 2009/10  Measurement corrupted after the event (SEL?, card to be inspected)  uFip controller card sensitive to SEEs  sending the sensitivity settings of the WBTNs, launch calibrations, or monitoring the power supplies  Return to the default state after SEE (calib. off, high sens.)  SEE Cross section = 4x cm 2 thus 2.2days MTBF  Worst case: 250um offset for 60s for 1 channel – can be compensated by orbit feedback -> not an issue for operation 30/9/09report to LMC24

Summary (detailed report to be written after the end of tests)  CRYO tunnel cards perform very well – no concerns  Some CRYO non-tunnel cards sensitive to total dose, replacements after 0.5y of nominal beam in UJ14/16/56 – not critical for operation  Some CRYO non-tunnel cards sensitive to SEUs, software mitigation in progress (6 SEUs/h for nominal beam)  BIC VME chassis uses sensitive CPLDs but only a small number and not in the most critical areas (5.5y MTBF) – very little concern  BIC/PIC installations use low cross-section CPLDs which always fail in a safe way (7.2y MTBF) – no concerns 25

Summary (detailed report to be written after the end of tests)  No cumulative effect problems expected for the BLM system  Marginal sensitivity of tunnel card to SEE means 70 days MTBF (fail safe, handled by remote reset)  Very sensitive latest WorldFip chip could compromise the new QPS layer – hardware solution looks very promising (450 cards in LHC)  If uncorrected, 14 errors/day in nominal conditions (no issue for safety)  BPM cards showed no radiation related problems, intensity cards don’t stand high intensity (needed for low intensity), uFip card sensitive to SEEs (2.2days MTBF) but handled by the orbit feedback  CNGS side gallery proved to be a very useful facility !!  Measurements are still ONGOING 26

Summary – failure rates expected for 2009/10* operation SYSTEMMTBF (system level) MitigationFail-safeBeam dump CRYO15 daysSoft resetYesNo, access required BIC/PIC>100 yearsNo? QPS3 daysHW modification YesNo, access required BLM7.7 yearsRemote resetYes BPM88 daysSoftwareYesNo 27 *40 times lower losses assumed in the arcs in 2009/10 compared to nominal ( very CONSERVATIVE )

Reserve slides – CNGS Fluka simulations 30/9/09report to LMC28

Simulated radiation fields of the selected most critical non-tunnel locations LHC AreaBeam conditions Hadrons>20MeV [cm -2 /y] 1MeV n. eq. fluence [cm -2 /y] Dose [Gy(air)/y] UJ5609/104x x10 7 4x UJ56nominal4x x x x UJ14/1609/104x x10 7 4x UJ14/16nominal4x x x x RR13/17nominal3x x x x RR77/7309/ x RR77/73nominal1x x10 8 5x x UJ7609/ x UJ76nominal10 9 5x UA872x10 15 protons on TED/y* x /9/09report to LMC29 *Assuming 2 shots per week on TED

BLM- System: Status CNGS DeviceDate Hadrons>20MeV [1e11*cm-2] 1MeV eq. neutrons [1e11*cm-2] Dose [Gy]Observation PS 1 (5V) (Haltec- USR515-5A) : Voltage starts to increase : Voltage increased by 20% (1V) : Voltage dropped to 0V PS2 (5V) (Haltec- USR515-5A) : Voltage starts to increase : Voltage increased by 11% (0.55V) : Voltage dropped to 0V PS3 (2.5V) (Haltec- USR515S-2A) : Voltage starts to increase : Voltage increase of 10% (0.25V) : Voltage dropped to 0V BLECF_ : Card stopped : Card reset -> card works again : Card still working RadMon data for the BLM crate positioned in TSG45. Beam intensity data was scaled with the calibration data from Result power supplies PS1, PS2, PS3 and BLECF