Kathryn Messick May 14 th, 2012 Graduation Project
condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or wellbeing
Inactivity Unhealthy food choices Increased portion sizes Lack of counseling in schools Lack of parent restrictions Media messages
Low self-esteem Depression Increased risk for diabetes Overweight as an adult Long-term complications Heart disease
Healthy diet Medical monitoring of blood sugar levels and cholesterol Decreased sugar intake Decreased portion size Nutrition counseling
Display a positive message Healthy breakfast and lunch options Provide community resources to parents Nutrition education (lesson plans, topics, picture books, activities) Removing snack and beverage machines
Providing regular physical exams with pediatrician Limiting high calorie beverages and snacks Limiting eating out Eating as a family Providing opportunities for physical activity Being a positive role model Limiting sedentary activities (T.V., videogames)
Nutrition counseling is a must in our schools because of the tremendous media impact, increased sedentary lifestyles, increased portion size and high calorie food options. Parents cannot be expected to bare the sole responsibility for teaching children. School activities are great influence and support to young children.
As a YMCA camp counselor, I saw first hand an increase in the number of children who are overweight and obese. I wanted to make a difference by actively instructing children regarding food choices and exercise.
Finding time to volunteer during the school week Driving one hour each time I volunteered Completing WakeMed volunteer process Communicating and meeting with a very busy mentor Getting parental permission to photograph class
Started project before second semester began Completed multi-step volunteer approval Maintained attention of elementary children during after-school class Improved time-management skills to allow time for volunteering
As a volunteer, I learned about how to be reliable and accountable. I learned how to communicate effectively with a working adult. I learned to be flexible and respectful of my mentor’s time. I learned the importance of making a comprehensive lesson plan for children. I learned how to teach at a child’s level of understanding.
My research has enabled me to make better food choices when I go out to eat. I will find it easier to initiate contact with adults. I will be able to better influence children as a YMCA summer camp counselor. I will be able to take a large task and break it up into small attainable steps.