Lesson on Dewey Decimal Classification The non-fiction books are arranged by a system of numbers called Dewey. There are 10 main classes
The 10 classes 000 Generalities 100 Philosophy & Psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Language 500 Natural sciences & mathematics 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 700 The arts 800 Literature & rhetoric 900 Geography & history
Each class can be further divided into sub-sections For example 900 which is Geography & history can be divided into 10 sections as follows: 900 Geography & history 910 Geography & travel 920 Biography, genealogy, insignia 930 History of ancient world 940 General history of Europe 950 General history of Asia Far East 960 General history of Africa 970 General history of North America 980 General history of South America 990 General history of other areas 999 Extraterrestrial worlds
Each sub section can be further divided For example 940 which is the general history of Europe can be further divided into 10 sections: 940 General history of Europe 941 General history of British Isles 942 General history of England & Wales 943 General history of Central Europe Germany 944 General history of France & Monaco 945 General history of Italian Peninsula & adjacent islands 946 General history of Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands 947 General history of Eastern Europe Soviet Union 948 General history of Northern Europe Scandinavia 949 General history of Other parts of Europe
The break down continues with the introduction of decimals for example 636.7** = domestic animals that are dogs that are working dogs = domestic animals that are dogs that are working dogs that are German shepards = domestic animals that are dogs that are working dogs that are German shepards that were born in the U.S = domestic animals that are dogs that are working dogs that are German shepards that were born in the US that were born in North Carolina = domestic animals that are dogs that are working dogs that are German shepards that were born in the U.S. that were born in North Carolina that were born in Onslow county. And it goes on and on and on………..
Another example History of Western Europe from 1453 to History of Western Europe from 1453 to World War 1, History of Western Europe from History of Western Europe from Holocaust
Another example 909 World history World history: racial, ethnic, national groups World history: racial, ethnic, national groups World history: areas, regions, places World history: areas, regions, places 909 World history: World history: 1800-
Another way to look at it…