1 That`s us Berufsbildende Schulen des Landkreises Nienburg Location Northern Germany Lower Saxony 50 km north of Hanover 150 km southwest of Hamburg Local town Nienburg 32,000 inhabitants Glass and chemical industry Rural environment
2 Our School 3,300 students 200 teachers 10 administration staff 2 social workers Full-time courses (five days a week) Part-time courses (one or two days a week) 40 school types 50 courses of professional training school leaving certificates on different levels
3 Our School Departments Business & Administration, Health Care Mechanics and Automotive Electrical Engineering Construction Technology (building, wood processing, painting) Social Care, Body Care Agriculture, Nutrition, Domestic Science Sixth Form College (providing access to university)
4 Our process Setup of a regional network of primary and secondary schools and the vocational school Instruction of 40 teachers from these schools as members of steering committees at each school Establishment of steering committees at each school Training of selected teachers in the field of method skills Coordination of training units by members of the steering commitee („the godfathers“ or „godmothers“) Implementation and transfer of methods in selected classes
Key Qualifications Training of Methods Training of Communication Skills Training of Teamwork Skills Self-reliant Learning and Working Methodoligical Competence Social Competence Professional Competence Personal Competences The House of Learning