January 20, 2009 ET-WP3 Geometryy 1 ET Geometry/Topology Some possible studies January 20, 2009 B. Mours
January 20, 2009 ET-WP3 Geometryy 2 ET vs the Ultimate Advanced ITFs Remarks: The detectors are in a network ET will have more than one ITF ET Geometry/Topology depends on the other existing detectors Questions: What makes ET unique? »The low frequency »The full spectrum?? What could be the “ultimate” sensitivity of AdL/AdV/LCGT? »Could they do as well as ET at high frequency? – Ready to loss the low frequency part of the spectrum By the way, this is a key question when selling ET… S. Hild
January 20, 2009 ET-WP3 Geometryy 3 Pointing Typical timing resolution t ~ 1/(f typical *SNR) For low frequency signals Pointing probably not from timing »SNR 10; 10 Hz -> t ~ 10ms = LLO-LHO distance »For usual L-V signal (100Hz-1kHz) pointing resolution is a few degrees → for a 10Hz signal ~ 1 radian… Direction from signal amplitude probably as good as time resolution To be investigated S. Hild
January 20, 2009 ET-WP3 Geometryy 4 ET layout Basic question: For a given infrastructure cost what is the best set of ITFs? Geometry? »Triangle, one site L shape, two sites L shape, other ? Multiple frequency bands per site? »High Frequency + Low frequency ITFs, tunable ITF? Orientation? How to best use AdV+ & AdL+? »Location/orientation with respect to the existing site (LIGO/Virgo) »To which extend could we rely on AdV+ a& AdL+ for source location? »What if there is or there is not an LCGT/Australian detector? What are the constrain/impact for an US ET? Phasing of the construction/commissioning of the ITFs? ? or L shape or ?
January 20, 2009 ET-WP3 Geometryy 5 Input for the basic question? Basic question: For a given infrastructure cost what is the best set of ITF? What is the model the infrastructure cost? Fix the overall beam tube length? Include some cost overhead (extra vacuum chambers, access..) per ITF? Need a more refine model? What are the criteria for “Best” Select a few leading science case: »Binaries inspiral for cosmology, i.e. (which masses?) »Stochastic signal »High SNR event (which is the most interesting frequency band?)
January 20, 2009 ET-WP3 Geometryy 6 Rough Actions Plan Estimate the ultimate AdV/AdL/LCGT sensitivity Single or two frequency bands ITF for them? Study the frequency dependence of the pointing capability Timing vs amplitude Analytic study for several configurations Compute (use/collect existing tools/results): »Beam pattern »Range »Limit for stochastic signals Do Monte Carlo studies Focus on distance range and resolution on source location Study with coherent analysis Include simulation of dead time; operation schedule Use the LV coherent analysis as a debugging & bench mark