PBIS Indiana Training Curriculum Dr. Sandy Washburn PBIS State Coordinator swashbur@indiana.edu Center on Education and Lifelong Learning Indiana Institute on Disability and Community Indiana University
Training Outlook Develop culturally responsive school-wide PBS plan by: Addressing disproportionality in discipline Explicitly discussing inequity based on race, ethnicity, poverty, and disability Training all school staff to become more self-aware about their beliefs and knowledgeable and aware of other cultures Using data to identify target areas Engaging with students and families to integrate different cultural perspectives Moving along the Culturally Proficient Continuum And always be asking this question… To achieve a culturally responsive PBIS plan trainers will lead school teams to do the following…
“To what extent are all groups benefitting equally?”
Elements of Culturally Responsive SW PBS Social Competence & Academic Achievement Elements of Culturally Responsive SW PBS Cultural Equity OUTCOMES Cultural Knowledge and Self-Awareness Cultural Validity SYSTEMS DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making PRACTICES As an approach, PBS represents an adoption of evidence based practices that support student behavior, the use of data to drive the selection of those practices, and developing the systems needed by the staff to implement the practices with high fidelity. The entire process is driven by establishing important student outcomes related to social competence and academic achievement. Practices Support Student Behavior—SWPBS emphasizes the explicit teaching and rewarding of expected behavior. In a school with cld students, this teaching would incorporate students’ experiences and cultural contexts that impact behavior and reference distinct differences between behavior that will bring success in school versus behavior that might bring success in other settings. Given the inextricable relationship between behavior and academic success, it is imperative that teachers use diverse instructional methods that reflect the learning preferences that exist among students. Within the existing SWPBS framework, data are used to make decisions regarding student behavior, needed supports and the implementation and effectiveness of SWPBS practices. Operational definitions of behavioral violations can be difficult and involving stakeholders from different backgrounds and applying knowledge and socio-cultural contexts when creating operational definitions is necessary. Refusal to follow directions might be due to culturally conditioned perceptions of what constitutes a command. Disaggregation of behavioral data is a necessary step to assess the presence and amount of potential bias in discipline decisions. Within the existing SWPBS framework, school-wide systems are intended to promote staff’s high fidelity and sustainable use of evidenced based practices and data for decision making. To support’s staff use of culturally relevant and validating behavior support practices, school wide systems need to proactively promote, encourage and support the development of staff’s cultural knowledge and self-awareness. Within the current PBS framework, student outcomes, defined as social and academic expectations endorsed by all stakeholders, drive implementation of practices, systems and data use. We must assure that all stakeholders have a voice in determining the social competencies. To rationalize and underscore the importance of culturally relevant practices, culturally valid decision making and training in cultural knowledge and self-awareness, strong commitment to culturally equitable outcomes must be established. Cultural Relevance and Validation Vincent, C.G., Randall, C., Cartledge, G., Tobin, T.J., & Swain-Bradway, J. (Mar. 2011) Supporting Student Behavior PBIS Indiana CELL/Equity Project Indiana University 2011
The Tools The Guiding Principles – underlying values of the approach The Barriers – caveats that assist in overcoming resistance to change The Continuum – 6 unique ways of seeing and responding to difference The Essential Elements –behavioral standards for individuals and organizations to measure and plan for growth Becoming more culturally proficient starts with awareness of self, gaining knowledge, etc. So we are constantly moving along this image. In-side/out approach – focusing first on ourselves (the insiders) and encouraging reflection on our own individual understandings and values. Which “relieves those identified as outsiders, the members of the excluded groups, from the responsibility of doing all the adapting” - CP A guide for people who Teach p. 5
PBIS that Considers Culture School Team Training--Session One Overview of PBIS that Considers Culture Developing Cultural Proficiency Four Tools Guiding Principles Teamwork & Efficient Team Meetings Group Norms Team Roles Representing all stakeholders Note taking Collecting/Gathering/Summarizing Data
PBIS that Considers Culture School Team Training--Session Two Developing Cultural Proficiency Agreements for Conversations Barriers Continuum Race Impacts My Life Family Engagement/Getting Family Input School-wide Expectations and Definitions Getting Started with Data Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
PBIS that Considers Culture School Team Training--Session Three Behavior Principles Developing Cultural Proficiency Definitions (stereotypes, generalizations) Interaction Styles Conflict Styles Essential Elements Assessing Culture Valuing Diversity Reviewing Data Identifying Rules for Unique Settings Adult Expectations
PBIS that Considers Culture School Team Training--Session Four Developing Cultural Proficiency Exploring poverty Teaching Behavior Code-Switching Developing a culturally responsive Reinforcement System Team Work Time
PBIS that Considers Culture School Team Training--Session Five Developing a Cultural Lens to Handling Behavioral Errors/Infraction System Classroom Systems Rules Procedures Effective Classroom Management
PBIS that Considers Culture School Team Training--Session Six Teaching SW Expectations as broad general principles Classroom Rules Classroom Management Self-Assessment Putting It All Together Schedule for Fall training Assessments for Monitoring Implementation TIC and BoQ