Chapter 9 Vocabulary (page 229) 1. Write the vocabulary word 2. Write the definition 3. Draw a picture that represents the vocabulary word 4. Use the word in a MEANINGFUL sentence Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4 EurasiaMiddles Agesknightschivalry topographymedievalvassalhaiku Patrickfeudalism monksWilliam the Conqueror monasteriesmanor Benedictserfs CharlemagneEleanor of Aquitaine
Chapter 10 Vocabulary (page 259) 1. Write the vocabulary word 2. Write the definition 3. Draw a picture that represents the vocabulary word 4. Use the word in a MEANINGFUL sentence Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4Section 5 excommunicateCrusadesclergyMagna Cartaheresy Pope Gregory VIIHoly LandFrancis of Assisi100 Years WarReconquista Emperor Henry IVPope Urban IIfriarsJoan of Arc Spanish Inquisition King Richard IThomas AquinasBlack Death SaladinNatural law
Chapter 11 Vocabulary (page 297) 1. Write the vocabulary word 2. Write the definition 3. Draw a picture that represents the vocabulary word 4. Use the word in a MEANINGFUL sentence Section 1Section 2Section 3 Marco PolohumanismJohann Gutenberg interestDante AlighieriChristian humanism Cosimo de MediciNiccolo MachiavelliDesiderius Erasmus RenaissanceperspectiveAlbrecht Durer MichelangeloMiguel de Cervantes Leonardo da VinciWilliam Shakespeare Petrarch