Plan for Place Value….. EstimatingRounding Place Value Decimal Sequences Significant Figures Ordering Numbers Level 3 Grade G Level 3 Grade G Level 3/4 Grade G/F Level 3/4 Grade G/F Level 6 Grade D Level 6 Grade D Level 6/7 Grade D/C Level 6/7 Grade D/C
Learning Objectives To be able to round numbers to a stated amount. To utilise this knowledge to round numbers to a number of significant figures. To evaluate statements and decide upon largest or smallest possible amounts.
Rounding – to the nearest 10 Yes No 5 or more? or more? Yes or more? E Remember which column…… Copy The 1 st example…. Remember… 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4 keep the number the same 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 round the number up…..
Rounding – to the nearest 100 Yes No or more? Yes or more? or more? E Remember which column…… Copy The 1 st example…. Remember… 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4 keep the number the same 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 round the number up…..
Rounding to 1 Decimal Place (1DP) No No 5 or more? or more? 4. 8 Yes or more? 4. 9 D Rounding to Decimal Places: 2DP Yes No 5 or more? or more? Yes or more? D
Rounding to Decimal Places Yes or more? No 5 or more? Yes or more? 4. 9 Your Turn 3DP 2DP 1DP Rounding, Level 4 – 5 Questions 1 – 6 Significant Figures, Level 6 Questions 7 – 10 (Read the rest of the presentation)
Plan for Place Value….. EstimatingRounding Place Value Decimal Sequences Significant Figures Ordering Numbers Level 3 Grade G Level 3 Grade G Level 3/4 Grade G/F Level 3/4 Grade G/F Level 6 Grade D Level 6 Grade D Level 6/7 Grade D/C Level 6/7 Grade D/C
Learning Objectives To be able to round numbers to a stated amount. To utilise this knowledge to round numbers to a number of significant figures. To evaluate statements and decide upon largest or smallest possible amounts.
Significant Figures (Rounding) Numbers can be rounded to 1,2, 3 or more significant figures. We count the number of figures from the first non-zero digit. Rounding to 1 s.f 5 or bigger ? or bigger ? or bigger ? 0.04 NoYes No First non-zero digit.
Rounding to 1 s.f or bigger ? or bigger ? Yes First non-zero digit. Significant Figures (Rounding)
When we approximate whole numbers we may need to insert zeros as required in order to maintain the size of the number. Rounding whole numbers to 1 s.f or bigger ? No or bigger ? No or bigger ? Yes
or bigger ? or bigger ? Yes First non-zero digit. Significant Figures (Rounding) Rounding to 2 s.f
or bigger ? or bigger ? Yes No First non-zero digit. Significant Figures (Rounding) Rounding to 2 s.f
Significant Figures (Rounding) Rounding whole numbers to 2 s.f or bigger ? Yes or bigger ? Yes or bigger ? No Your Turn Rounding, Level 4 – 5 Questions 1 – 6 Significant Figures, Level 6 Questions 7 – 10
Your Turn……… Practice Questions….. If you need more practice on anything we’ve done so far Standard Focussed on rounding and significant figures Challenge Starts on rounding and significant figures, progresses to higher thinking questions…
On your mini whiteboards Level 4 Level 6 Level 8 Level 8/9
Plan for Place Value….. EstimatingRounding Place Value Decimal Sequences Significant Figures Ordering Numbers Level 3 Grade G Level 3 Grade G Level 3/4 Grade G/F Level 3/4 Grade G/F Level 6 Grade D Level 6 Grade D Level 6/7 Grade D/C Level 6/7 Grade D/C
Learning Objectives To be able to round numbers to a stated amount. To utilise this knowledge to round numbers to a number of significant figures. To evaluate statements and decide upon largest or smallest possible amounts.