facebook Wall PhotosFlairBoxesJohn Quincy AdamsLogout View photos of John Quincy Adams Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Philadelphia PA Birthday: July 11, 1767 Political: Neutral Religion : Unitarian Hometown: Quincy MA Friends MonroeCalhounJackson Gerald McGuiness Barbour John Quincy Adams is elected president February 9, 1825 Rush Andrew Jackson is nominated by the Tennessee legislature for their presidential challenger for the 1828 election October 1825 Andrew Jackson has won the election of 1828 December 2,1828 John Quincy Adams I have left office March 4, 1829 Andrew Jackson Alas! I have won the election! December 3,1828 John Quincy Adams Good for you, you deserve it December 4,1828
Personal Information facebook John Quincy Adams I have left office. WallPhotosFlairBoxesLogout View photos of ) Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Networks: Philadelphia PA Sex: Male Birthday: July 11,1767 Hometown: Quincy MA Relationship Status: Married to Louisa Catherine Johnson Political Views: Federalist Religious Views: Unitarian (Take own path) Activities: Takes care of pet alligator, Gerald McGuiness Supporting friends Interests: Swimming, likes to swim across the Potomac River everyday to be fit Fine Wines, looking for fine wines to enjoy with wife Writing poetry Favorite saying: “You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket” Occupation: Lawyer, Statesman, President, House of Reps Education: Had schooling as a child, at age 18 went to Harvard, to learn the arts of law, graduated 1787 Notable Accomplishments: Worked against the “gag” rule Favorite Books: Beauty and the Beast (mother read it to me every night as a boy) Favorite Song: Hymns, wrote hymns John Quincy Adams Updated March 4, Albums Address: Peacefield Estate John Quincy Adams Networks: Philadelphia PA Birthday: July 11, 1767 Political: Neutral Religion : Unitarian Hometown: Quincy MA John Quincy Adams Updated December 4,1829
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of John Quincy Adams Photos John Quincy Adams John Calhoun (Vice President) Known for his hair James Monroe 5 th President of the USA James Barbour Recognizable by his dark, bushy eyebrows John Quincy Adams being sworn in as president Andrew Jackson 7 th president of the USA Gerald McGuiness John Quincy Adams’ pet alligator The family of John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams died after having a stroke on the floor of the House of Reps.