Identify internal and external influences that affect food choices
What are your favorite foods? Why do you like them? Which foods do most of the members of your family enjoy together? Are there any foods that your family does not eat? Does what you eat say something about who you are?
A variety of factors affect eating habits such as...
TASTE is a physiological response to specific chemicals in foods. Yummy!!!!! More brains…….
ECONOMICS is when food is selected in response to what a person can afford. Individual hypothesis Class hypothesis Individual hypothesis Class hypothesis Individual hypothesis Class hypothesis
EARLY EXPERIENCES are the influences that we have been exposed to as a child and how they relate to our food choices.
HABIT is when food is selected in response to what a person does over and over again without actually deciding.
CULTURE is the influence that a person’s ethnic and / or religious background has on food choices.
SOCIAL FACTORS are the influences that our society has on our food choices.