Lab Safety Life in this class will be difficult if you don’t learn this information!
What is wrong with this picture?
Lab Safety Why is this information important?
Welcome to Your First WebQuest!
Purpose To understand the importance of safety in the laboratory To become familiar with lab safety rules
What Are the Tasks? Internet Scavenger Hunt Safety Song or Poem Safety Poster Safety Quiz
Internet Scavenger Hunt You will work in groups of 2 or 3 Go to the following website: – Answer the questions A paper copy of the questions will be provided for your convenience
Grading Rubric for Scavenger Hunt Category Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Needs Improvement Working with Others Student was engaged; listened to suggestions; worked cooperatively Student was engaged; had trouble listening and/or working cooperatively Student cooperated with others, but had difficulty staying on task Student did not work effectively with others Explanation Explanation was detailed and clear Explanation was clear Explanation was difficult to understand, but contained important material Explanation was difficult to understand, missing parts, or not included Neatness and Organization Work was neat, clear, organized, and easy to read Work was neat and organized; usually easy to read Work was organized but difficult to read Work was sloppy and unorganized Completion All questions were completed All but one problem was completed All but two problems were completed More than two problems were not completed Errors 93% - 100% of the questions were correct 85% - 92% of the questions were correct 75% - 84% of questions were correct Less than 75% of the questions were correct
Safety Song or Poem You will work on this individually Using the information gathered from the scavenger hunt, you will write an original song or poem about safety rules (you may focus on just one rule if you choose) You will perform your song or poem to the class. Be creative!
Song or Poem Guidelines Information must be accurate Keep it clean! You will be performing this for your peers Must be original Must be longer than four (4) lines (haiku and other forms of poetry are allowed) Be creative!
Song or Poem Grading Rubric Category Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Needs Improvement Writing Process Student devoted extra time and effort to the writing process Student devoted sufficient time and effort to the process Student devoted some time and effort, but was not thorough Student devoted little time and effort; does not seem to care Neatness Readable, clean, and neat; you took great pride in your work Readable and neat; some erasures; took pride in it Readable; might have been done in a hurry Not attractive; student did not care Focus Song/poem is related to the topic; others can learn from it Most of the song/ poem is related to the topic; others can still learn from it Some of the song/ poem is related to the topic; cannot learn much from it Little or no attempt has been made to relate the song/poem to the topic Spelling and Punctuation No errorsOne errorTwo errorsMore than two errors Accuracy of Facts All facts are accurate Almost all facts are accurate Most facts are accurate Several factual errors in the song/poem Creativity Many creative details; your peers and I enjoyed it Contains a few creative details; author used his/her imagination Contains a few creative details, but they distract from the story Little evidence of creativity Requirements All written requirements were met Almost all written requirements (90%) were met Most requirements (75%) were met Many requirements were not met
Safety Poster You will work on this individually You will need to make a poster (8.5” x 11”) regarding a randomly assigned a safety rule The poster may NOT have any wording on it, but it must clearly depict the safety rule Posters may be displayed in the classroom or hallway
Safety Poster Guidelines No words allowed! You must create a poster so that others can understand the safety rule without any other form of explanation You may draw, use magazine cutouts, or use computer-generated artwork (clipart or Google images are allowed) Poster must be clearly seen from your desk if hung in the classroom Poster must be neat and organized Be creative!
Safety Poster Grading Rubric Category Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Needs Improvement Content Related to safety rule; rule is obvious; very original; no words used Related to safety rule; rule is somewhat obvious; original; one word on poster Somewhat related to safety rule; rule somewhat obvious; few words on poster Does not relate to safety rule; rule not obvious; not original; may words on poster Appearance Creative, neat, organized, easy to understand Creative; mostly neat; organized; easy to understand Somewhat creative; somewhat neat; somewhat organized and understandable Not creative; not neat; not organized; difficult to understand
Safety Quiz At the end of this lesson, you will be give a safety quiz to measure what you have learned If you do not score at least 80% on the quiz, you must retake the quiz until you score above the 80 th percentile You will be unable to participate in lab activities until you score above 80%