2002 Prentice Hall. Modified by M. Ferner Revolution in Writing From Word Processing to Paperless Publishing
2002 Prentice Hall 2 Topics The Word Processing Process The Wordsmith’s Toolbox The Desktop Publishing Story Tomorrow’s Word Tools
2002 Prentice Hall 3 The Word Processing Process Word processing involves the following steps: Entering text Editing text Formatting & proofreading the document Saving the document on disk Printing the document
2002 Prentice Hall 4 Editing Text Write and refine a document easily by: navigating to different parts of a document inserting or deleting text at any point moving & copying text searching and replacing words or phrases
2002 Prentice Hall 5 Search and Replace The command Edit -> Replace brings up a dialog box where you can enter the text to be found and the text to replace it with. Use the Match case or Find whole words only options to refine the search. Be careful using the Replace All option. It does not prompt you for each change. If you replace “his” with “hers”, the word “history” will become “herstory”. The undo option is not available with Replace All.
2002 Prentice Hall 6 Formatting Text Formatting refers to how the words look on a page. WYSIWIG (“What you see is what you get”) What you see on the screen is a close approximation of what you will see on paper Types of formatting: Character Line & Paragraph Entire Document
2002 Prentice Hall 7 Character Formatting Characters are measured by point size with one point equal to 1/72 inch. A 20 pts A 40 pts 80 pts 120 pts A A 200 pts A
2002 Prentice Hall 8 All About Fonts A font is a size and style of typeface. Serif fonts have serifs or fine lines at the ends. Sans-serif fonts have plainer, cleaner lines. Arial
2002 Prentice Hall 9 Paragraph Formatting Formatting for paragraphs involve margin settings, line spacing, indents, tabs and justification.
2002 Prentice Hall 10 Paragraph Indentation
2002 Prentice Hall 11 Tab Stops The picture below shows 4 tab stops: left aligned at 0.25”, right aligned at 3.5”, centered at 5”, and decimal aligned at 7.5”. The tab key was then used to separate the sections.
2002 Prentice Hall 12 Document Formatting You can impact the appearance of an entire document through the following: Templates and wizards Headers and footers Multiple columns Automatic editing features Conversion to HTML for web publishing
2002 Prentice Hall 13 Columns and breaks
2002 Prentice Hall 14 Hidden commands
2002 Prentice Hall 15