The Written Materials Includes a detailed outline developed during the process of speech preparation T Title S Specific purpose C Central idea W Written Introduction M Main points S Sub-points W Written Conclusion B Bibliography
Outline Guidelines State the specific purpose Identify the central idea Label the introduction and conclusion Use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation
The Visual Framework I.Main point A.Subpoint B.Subpoint 1. Sub-subpoint 2. Sub-subpoint II.Main point A.Subpoint 1. Sub-subpoint 2. Sub-subpoint B.Subpoint The pattern of symbolization and indentation in a speech outline that shows relationships among the ideas
Student Suicide: The Silent Epidemic I.Identifying the problem: suicide among college students is a serious issue A.National Institute of Mental Health: fastest-growing cause of death for people aged B.2011: 10,000 suicides in US in this age group C.Local statistics: ABC College 1.Dean Richard Smith: in 2011, over 60 known suicide attempts among our students 2.Dean Smith estimates that for every known attempt, 2-3 go unnoticed or unreported
II.Solving the problem A.Identifying potential suicide victims 1.National Institute of Mental Health: 80% of those who commit suicide have told someone of their plans 2.More subtle warning signs a)loss of appetite b)prolonged depression c)giving away personal possessions B.Services available 1.On campus a)Student Counseling Center b)Student Health Center 2.In the community a)Suicide Prevention Center b)24-hour Crisis Line: c)private therapists
Your Speaking Notes A brief set of notes used to jog a speaker’s memory during the presentation. Guidelines for the Speaking Notes Make sure your notes are plainly legible Keep your notes as brief as possible NOT Do NOT use your manuscript as your notes Give yourself cues for delivering the speech Use note-cards rather than paper