Richardson 50 cent Physics lesson Voltage Electric Potential Difference, V Promise of energy per charge Current Measure of charge flow, I = dq/dt 50 A = 50 microAmps = 50 x Coulombs per second Power P = dW/dt = Work per unit time = q V / t = IV 5 V = 5 Volts = 5 Joules per Coulomb Throw in Ohm’s Law too! V = IR
CONNECTING TMP36 Temperature Sensors to the Arduino Microcontroller
What is a TMP36?
How does a microcontroller see analog information? It’s all about counts Arduino has a 10-bit analog to digital converter, 2 10 = 1024 and samples between 0.0V and 5.0V 1024 raw counts / 5.0V = 205 counts/Volt or Volts/count Example: An analog reading of 2.2V is 2.2V(205 counts/Volt) = 451 counts Example: A reading of 780 counts is 780 counts( Volts/count) = 3.8V
Arduinos and TMP36
RED is outside tempGREEN is inside tempBLUE is AC vent temp