2010 Social Studies Expectations
1 st Period Pay attention when people are talking. Be quiet. (DON’T TAP.) Respect others. Don’t interrupt them. Phones should be off and in locker. Keep hands & feet to self. Always turn in homework & classwork on time. Ask reasonable questions. Be prepared for class. Be on time. Cooperate with others. Keep things in their proper place. Use time wisely. Teacher dismisses, not bell. Do your own work. Keep your things to yourself. Always bring agenda & use it. Treat others as you want to be treated. Recycle paper & bottles, as needed. Raise hand to speak. Stay in your seat.
2nd Period Be respectful of others. Have a positive attitude. Raise your hand when you wish to speak. Ignore distractions. Avoid unnecessary noises/blurting out. Come to class prepared with needed materials and homework. Listen to directions the first time. Stay in your seat unless given permission to leave it. Wait for an appropriate time to ask permission to leave the room unless it’s an emergency.
3rd Period Respect others. Listen to others. Follow instructions the first time. Pay attention. Don’t disturb others IN ANY WAY! Use ACTS! Participate! Raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak. Be patient. Stay in your seat. Stay on task. Make eye contact. Organization is the key to success! Be prepared Always try.
4 th Period Listen to others and THINK!!! Don’t distract others. Be original….don’t repeat what someone else says! Stay in seat unless you have permission. Just because you’ve finished a test, be respectful of those who haven’t! Be quiet and don’t talk unless told to do so. Don’t mess with others STUFF! Don’t chew candy or gum. Be respectful to others. Follow directions given by teacher. Be prepared. Do your own work! Do not hum!
Ask to go to the restrooms when you walk in class.
Write in agenda.
Complete your warm-up.
ALWAYS have at least 2 pencils, a pen, and a highlighter (not yellow).
Sharpen pencils and make certain you have all necessary supplies, including composition notebook.
Have homework & book on desk.
Students should only be out of their seat for Kleenex or if instructed by teacher.
Students will raise hands to answer.
All papers, other than tests and worksheets, must have a complete heading.
Name Date Block Teacher Assignment (in upper left corner)
5 points will be deducted - if heading is incomplete, - if first & last names are not used.
No late homework will be accepted!