Friday Group Math Life Skills Preparing for the PASA Ms. Fisher
Skill 2: Select biggest/smallest shape Here are some shapes. Find the biggest. Which is the largest shape?
Skill 3: Select Set with Most/Least Here are some groups Find the group with the least
Skill 4: Matching Objects with same volume Here are some boxes. Which box in the row below is the same size as the box in the front row? Front Box
Skill #5: Select longest/Shortest Here are some lines. Find the shortest.
Skill #12: Select item that will fit We need to put one of these things in this box. Find what fits completely in this box. Box
Skill 13: Sort 1 Object into 1of 3 existing groups Here are some groups of things. Here is another thing. Put this thing with the others that are the same.
Skill 18: Match pictures of items of same size Here are some shapes of leaves. Here is another shape of a leaf. Find the shape that is the same size.
Skill 19: Select objects that continue ABCABC repeating pattern Here is a pattern. Here are some things. Find what comes next in this pattern.
Here are some things, put this with the others that are the same. Circle your answer.
Most/ Least Here are some groups. Which group has the largest number? Which group has the most? Which is the greatest?
Most/ Least Here are some groups. Which group has the smallest number? Which group has the fewest? Which is the littlest group?
Matching 2 sets of items Here are three groups. Here is another group. Find the group with the same number.
Matching sizes Here are some shapes. Here is another shape. Find the shape that is the same size.
Matching sizes
Working our calculator Skills… Calculator
Calculator time!
Matching two sets of items Here are three groups. Here is another group. Find the group with the same number.
Money Game Learning Coins
Time Game Learn to Tell Time