Issa al-tobi الكلية التقنية بنزوى Nizwa College of Technology Mechanical Engineering Department SHEET METAL Done by: Issa AL-Tobi
Issa al-tobi Sheet metal work Application Application Steps (1) sheet (2)development (3) mark (4) shear (5) bend Steps (1) sheet (2)development (3) mark (4) shear (5) bend Tools Tools Shearing Shearing Bending allowance Bending allowance job job Snips Snips Stakes Stakes Bending M/C Bending M/C Folding M/C Folding M/C Press Press Hammers Hammers
Issa al-tobi Application of sheet metal Air conditioning duct systems. Air conditioning duct systems. Roofs. Roofs. Ships Ships Airplane industries. Airplane industries. Restaurant equipment……etc. Restaurant equipment……etc.
Issa al-tobi
Examples of sheet metals
Issa al-tobi Using tools (snips) cutting and bending sheet metal Straight and curved-blade snips
Issa al-tobi Continued (hand-lever shears)
Issa al-tobi Continued (guillotine) cutting large sheets with straight edges
Issa al-tobi Continued (fly press) Where a number of components require the same size hole in the same position
Issa al-tobiStakes Using when forming sheet metal into various different shapes. Round bottom square Oval head Creasing iron hatchet Side or pipe Bick iron funnel Half moon Bench mandrel
Issa al-tobiHammers Using in the various aspects of sheet metalworking Peining or tucking planishing Welder’s chipping Doming sinking Raising Ball pein
Issa al-tobi Some joining Methods Welds Bolts Rivets Solder Clips
Issa al-tobi Development of rectangular tray
Issa al-tobi Bending Allowance-Ex.
Issa al-tobi Bending Allowance Formula = 2 ( r + t/2 ) a/360 Where t = metal thickness r = Bend radius a = bending angle
Issa al-tobi Thickness of metal sheet SWG Thickness (mm)
Issa al-tobi Practical exercise