Standards Coordinating Committee 20 on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems Slide 1 SCC20 Liaison Report Dr. John W. Sheppard CS SAB Meeting June 14, 2006
Standards Coordinating Committee 20 Slide 2 Scope “Provides for the management, development, and maintenance of language and interface standards supporting system-level (onboard and offboard) automatic test and diagnosis. These standards include (but are not limited to) test requirements, test programs, test procedures, diagnostic knowledge, maintenance information, and major hardware subsystem interfaces between and within Automatic Test Systems.”
Standards Coordinating Committee 20 Slide 3 Sponsors/Liaisons IEEE Sponsors and Liaisons: –Aerospace Electronic Systems Society (Joseph Stanco) –Computer Society (John Sheppard) –Instrumentation and Measurement Society (Mark Kaufman) Official Industry Liaisons: –US Department of Defense (William Ross) –UK Ministry of Defense (Malcolm Brown) –National Defense Industrial Association (Les Orlidge) Systems Engineering Committee Automatic Test Committee –IEC/TC93—Design Automation (Narayanan Ramachandran)
Standards Coordinating Committee 20 Slide 4 Organization Administration –Chair: Les Orlidge (AAI), Vice Chair: John Sheppard (ARINC/JHU) –Steering Committee (general oversight and approval) –Administrative Subcommittee (quality control and procedures review) Working Groups –Diagnostic and Maintenance Control –Hardware Interfaces –Test and ATS Description –Test Information Infrastructure Membership –2006 Annual Report to SA 102 members (25% increase over 2005) 40 interested parties (non-member)
Standards Coordinating Committee 20 Slide 5 Status Standards –IEEE Std : ATLAS, reaffirmed –IEEE Std : Artificial Intelligence Exchange and Service Tie to All Test Environments (AI-ESTATE), dual logo’ed as IEC Ed 1.0. –IEEE Std : Digital Test Interchange Format (DTIF), reaffirmed –IEEE Std P1505: Receiver Fixture Interface (co-sponsored by I&M), approved by Standards Board at June meeting. –IEEE Std : Testability and Diagnosability Characteristics and Metrics. (Trial Use) –IEEE Std : DTIF Users Guide, reaffirmed –IEEE Std : Signal and Test Definition, under consideration for IEC dual logo. –IEEE Std P1641.1: STD User’s Guide, in ballot recirculation –IEEE Std P1671: Automatic Test Markup Language, in ballot recirculation
Standards Coordinating Committee 20 Slide 6 Status Projects Underway –P1232: Revision to AI-ESTATE, PAR approved. –P1505.1: Common Test Interface Pin Map, new project. –P1552: Structured Architecture for Test Systems, PAR withdrawn. –P1636: Software Interface for Maintenance Information, Collection, and Analysis (SIMICA), work proceeding. –P1636.1: SIMICA Test Results and System Information, Ballot about to commence. –P SIMICA Maintenance Action Information, new PAR approved. –P1641a: Amendment to STD, new PAR approved. –P1671.1: ATML Test Description, work proceeding. –P1671.2: ATML Instrument Description, work proceeding. –P1671.3: ATML UUT Description, work proceeding. –P1671.4: ATML UUT Configuration Information, new PAR approved. –P1671.5: ATML Test Adapter Information, new PAR approved. –P1671.6: ATML Station Configuration Information, new PAR approved.
Standards Coordinating Committee 20 Slide 7 Recent and Current Issues XML Schemata: Committee has obtained written assurance from IEEE SA that all XML schemata developed as part of SCC20 standard will be posted on an IEEE SA website for free access and use. No special license arrangement was required. Membership: Recent growth in committee size led to revision of P&P to better define “membership.” Requires annual registration and attendance to at least one meeting. New policy is now in place and is working well. International Standards: Continue to pursue “dual-logo” standards. Also have strong representation in IEC TC93 (Design Automation) –Narayanan Ramachandran, WG7 Chair and US Delegate –Chris Gorringe, UK Delegate Next SCC20 Meeting: September at AUTOTESTCON, Anaheim, CA (Disneyland Hotel).