Created by Daniel Gargas Student from Cracow University of Technology
Introduction The work on the panels was carried out with Marta Ziejewska (also is a student from Cracow University of Technology). The HMI has been adapted from TIF to be more consistent with ATLAS IBL to have a “common approach” between CMS and ATLAS. Symbols and general colour schemes are based on the UNICOS/JCOP templates. Still “work in progress” but much has already been achieve D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 2
Main/Home Panel Quick Navigation buttons D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 3
Overview Panel D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 4
Bpix Plant and Accumulator D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 5
Bpix Manifold D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 6
Bpix Plant and Accumulator D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 7
Bpix system for testing purpose D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 8
Bpix Plant and Accumulator D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 9
Bpix Heater diagnostic D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 10
Bpix Plant and Accumulator D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 11
Liquid Pumps D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 12
Bpix Plant and Accumulator D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 13
Accumulators D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 14
Bpix Plant and Accumulator D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 15
System Status Panel D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 16
Still to do: Create New panels: Stepper Plant panel Alarms panel D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 17
Thank you for your attention!! D.Gargas, M.Ziejewska Phase 1 CO2 Cooling 18