How do we ensure that our colleagues are aware of and understand our organization's goals and policies?
Goal? The final purpose or aim; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain.
General Perception of Organizational Goals Management Guru Flavor of the Month
Why should we communicate ? Primary Benefit Productive, Better prepared employees Results Increased Revenues Healthier Work Culture Better Employee Retention Higher Efficiency
ESS QUALITY POLICY To achieve a step-by-step improvement in whatever we do, by implementing our documented Quality System - a system that focuses on continuous improvement and is supported by various International Certifications. To discover better and better ways to serve our customers, shareholders and colleagues, with each incremental step bringing consistency in in our work.
ESS QUALITY POLICY To ensure that each interaction with our customers, shareholders and colleagues is a meaningful experience; an interaction that contributes to the growth of the organization as well as the individual.
How can we communicate ? Goals = Jobs <= Action Tools Interpersonal Communication Tips Templates for Managers for charting employee’s activity with a specific goal.
How can we communicate ? Meaningful Feedbacks Employees Reviews Market Your Goals Treat Goal Communication as Internal Marketing Effort Demonstrate your goals
How can we communicate ? Invite Check-in Feedback- Once program is under way Ask Employees if they understand the goals How would they personally achieve them? Iron out any kinks or misunderstandings Tailor communication for different audiences.
How can we communicate ? Get Ideas Tell Success Stories Revitalize Interests by Frequent Upgrades
If you are an Employee ? Ask What would your manager look to determine you have met your goal What goals supporting looks,feels and sounds like ?
lets create VALUE !!!!!!
Have a nice day !!!!