Velocity and Attenuation in the Eastern Bay Area and the Delta Donna Eberhart-Phillips UC Davis USGS Delta workshop 10 Sept 2015
Regional three ‐ dimensional seismic velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle of northern California Thurber et al JGR 2009 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Volume 114, Issue B1, B01304, 9 JAN 2009 DOI: /2008JB Volume 114, Issue B1, Used 5600 earthquakes 688 NCEDC stations Sources and stations from 13 controlled source exp Next: show some mapviews and cross-sections
Regional three ‐ dimensional seismic velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle of northern California Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Volume 114, Issue B1, B01304, 9 JAN 2009 DOI: /2008JB Volume 114, Issue B1, Depth =1 km and 4 km Dashed line = topographic edge of Great Valley Franciscan, GVS
Regional three ‐ dimensional seismic velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle of northern California Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Volume 114, Issue B1, B01304, 9 JAN 2009 DOI: /2008JB Volume 114, Issue B1, Depth = 8 and 14 km Dashed line = topographic edge of Great Valley GV opiolite
Seismic Attenuation:Qp and Qs Data t* from local earthquake spectra that give attenuation along the path Q has 1d and 3d heterogeneity Example of 1 earthquake Solution uses 959 spatially distributed earthquakes NCEDC, Mendo, SNEP (will show Delta area)
Results 10-km grid with linking into larger areas where little data, magenta line =low DWS Shallow: low Q in Delta and some fault zones
Brittle crust – low Q along fault zones with seismicity and GV margin, high Q west of CGVF and Bay block Lower crust – low Q below FZ with high cumulative displacement High Q for GV ophiolite apparent fragments in PKH –GF vicinity (Next cross-sections)
Vert. exag=2 PKHF uplifted fragment of ophiolite Suisun Bay may not have GVS thrust under Franciscan Basins, Franciscan, GVS, GVO
3D velocity : LEQ uneven sampling and vertical smearing Surface wave have horizontal smearing and sample shallow as much or more than deep (combine) Gravity – samples whole volume including shallow, non-unique (combine) Assign shallow from stratigraphic sections (then fix shallow, free deep) The End