THE SURRENDER AT APPOMATTOX April 9 th, 1865 at the Appomattox Court House While the Union troops were surrounding Richmond, General Lee Richmond was taken over by Union troops and they followed Lee throughout Virginia Lee sent a message to Grant to surrender
OUTCOMES OF THE CIVIL WAR 620,000 soldiers died The 13 th amendment was ratified Went from “The United States are …” to “The United States is …” Northern economy and industries grew while Southern economy and agriculture shrank National government was stronger with a new paper currency, income tax, and a new federal banking system
OTHER INSTANCES WHEN THE WAR COULD HAVE ENDED AntietamGettysburg General Lee clashed with General McClellan September 17 th, 1862 Bloodiest day in US history 25,000 dead or wounded in one day Lee retreated and McClellan did not follow him to finish him off, which resulted in McClellan getting fired 90,000 Union troops vs. 75,000 Confederate troops across 3 days of battle (July 1-3, 1863) Union lost 23,000 troops while the Confederates lost 28,000 If General Meade would have followed General Lee, then they could have finished off Lee’s army
THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN April 15 th, 1865 Lincoln was seeing a play with his wife when John Wilkes Booth shot him in the back of the head Booth escaped The Secretary of State was stabbed but recovered and Vice- President Johnson was also to be assassinated the same night