Presented By: Samantha Fukuda, Dental Hygiene Student Courtney Cabra, Dental Hygiene Student
History Approved by the FDA in 1997 stabilization diameters
partial or full denture eliminates movement no more adhesives or casps aesthetics better chewing support of small single unit fixed restorations lower anterior where limited bone is available upper lateral incisors
Bone quality/quantity Treatment plan Inform constant Procedure One appointment Medications Rince Local anesthesia Handpiece Wrenches Healing period
Size Costs Requires less bone Less invasive Less traumatic Healing time
Strength cannot alter angle once it is placed Used to retain not support
Office: regular recall visits special non-metallic instruments strict oral hygiene instructions Home: special toothbrush for daily cleaning regular gum care around implants as well as under removable prosthetics
Fairly new High success rate Life span depends on the patient
greater patient awareness and acceptance new and improved designs more efficient tools and techniques computer planned and guided placement