Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg1 CORA ESSNet final results.


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Presentation transcript:

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg1 CORA ESSNet final results

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg2 short history MSIS – 2008/2010: Task Force on Sharing Software, SAB, sessions on “Sharing Software” 2009 Statistical work programme of the Commission : CORA definition ITDG 2008: CORA announcement, countries involved: ch, dk, it, lv, nl, no, se ITDG 2009: CORA presentation and start

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg3 CORA activities four meetings: Kick-off meeting in Luxembourg (October 2009) WPs Leader Meeting in Amsterdam (January 2010) Intermediate Meeting in Rome (March 2010) Final Meeting in Luxembourg (October 2010): results presented to Eurostat and to others NSIs

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg4 WP2 state-of-the-art Architectures and software adopted by NSIs Questionnaire designed and distributed to 42 NSIs : response rate 79% - 33 of 42 Questionnaire and attached documents analysis: which dissemination level (no privacy statement) Several tools declared “shared” … usage level? Little usage of statistical business process model Set of requirements definition

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg5 WP2 state-of-the-art (del 2.1) Questionnaire (del 2.2) Requirements for Business Architecture from NSIs: BPM, strategy and tools shared/sharable (del. 2.3) Interesting review of collected documents on BPM, IT organization, architectures and IT strategy (to-be-defined dissemination, delivery to Eurostat)

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg6 WP3 technical architecture Architecture principles: Architecture model must be platform-independent The production of statistics is to be described solely in terms of services calling services (SOA) A service only uses services in the layer directly positioned under its own (layered approach) Layers can be subdivided in terms of functionality (GSBPM)

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg7 WP3 technical architecture Two dimensional approach (del. 3.1): Dim 1 : construction → layers: figures, time-series, statistic, population, unit, variable, representation Dim 2 : functional → GSBPM 9 sub-processes Software prototype added to WP3 goals: architecture proof of concept needed → 2 prototypes developed in different environments (Java and.Net)

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg8 WP3 technical architecture (del 3.2)  Common Generic Service Interface defined  Implementation guidelines: how to get them to work  Projects within Statistics Sweden and Statistics Netherlands described: some form of implementation of the ideas developed within CORA.

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg9 WP3 technical architecture (del 3.3)  Instruction manual with the simple example of a monthly transport statistic  Grid template for ppt and odp

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg10 WP4: organizational architecture  Commercial and Legal Foundations for the Exchange of Software between Statistical Offices (licences, sharing and business models, TCO, help for legal questions)  Requirements Checklist for CORA tools  Recommendations for CORA tools (tools by defined categories/requirements)

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg11 WP5: Project Dissemination CORA web site and wikiweb sitewiki Software inventory managed by SAB (!!)Software inventory Training courses (ESTP) on the project products Creative Commons licence for CORA deliverables Final results in “CORA ESSnet workshop” (yesterday)

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg12 final remarks + importance of work atmosphere (... fun!) flexibility: adjustments needed (eg prototype) flexibility: + side-effects unexpected (eg sw inventory) cooperation with other bodies (SAB) cooperation with Eurostat staff cooperation tools usage: wiki & web

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg13 final remarks - administrative load too heavy: every project implies too many administrative tasks (we don't have administrative staff) flexibility vs procedures not homogeneous commitment from partners

Carlo Vaccari – ITDG 2010 Luxembourg14 conclusions CORE (COmmon Reference Environment) starting Important: CORE coordination with SDMX ESSnet and other bodies (GSBPM, other networks, HLG,...) SAB to continue CORA works: software repository management and implementation Cooperation with OSOR portal: to be developed