CATAWBA By: Amelia Hinson-Pitts Nori Grant Dominique Gant Will Watson Sam Oblinger
SHELTER The Catawba build their shelter out of tree bark, mud, straw and many other things. A long house is a house the Catawba and many other native Americans built to fit many people such as up to 50 people. There are different houses for different seasons. A winter house and a summer house are the most common house for the different seasons.
FOOD The Catawba ate corn, beans squash and fish. They harvested the most vegetables and cot fish from the nearest river. They also hunted deer, bear, wild turkey and wild bor. They also ate soups and stews made out of fish, meat and herbs.
CLOTHING The Catawba made most of their clothing out of different animal skins, like deer, bear and raccoons. The men wore head dresses made out bird feathers. They have different outfits for different occasions and some every day clothes. Women sewed most of the clothing.
JOBS Women made most of the clothes and material. They taught the girls how to sew and make houses. The men hunted and made traps. They also taught boys their technique.
GAMES The Catawba Indians played acrostic and they played target practiced for fun and to help their hunting skills. How to play acrostic: You have a stick and a ring and you run around and pass it to your partner with your stick. Your partner tries to catch it with their stick and if they drop it, the other team gets a point.