Data Analysis Practice looking for Φ(1020) 2006. 12. 12 Nuclear Physics Ⅲ Kyung-Eon,Choi.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Analysis Practice looking for Φ(1020) Nuclear Physics Ⅲ Kyung-Eon,Choi

Contents NA49 detector Φ(1020) study Data Set Analysis strategy Analysis procedure Find Φ peak Others..

NA49 Detector Setup Main TPC Vertex TPC 1 Vertex TPC2 Beam

Φ (1020) Mass m = MeV Full width Γ = MeV K+K- ( %) ( %) My Way ~!!

Data Set Run Type –01I : Pb+Pb 160 AGeV central 256 TB Event –Total event : 2,968,504 –Used event : Track –Accepted Track :

Analysis Strategy Draw dEdx-p histogram Using dEdx-m histogram for cut Slice dEdx-p histogram Fit sliced histogram & Save parameters Mark with a dot using Saved parameters (dEdx-βγ graph) Fit with Bethe-Bloch formula Use parameters as cuts Mix particles using cuts & Mixing method

dEdx - p - m Histogram

dEdx - p - m (kaon cut)

dEdx - p - m (proton cut)

dEdx - p


dEdx - fit

Cuts EventCut –Vertex X & Y: -1 ~ 1 cm –Vertex Z : -582 ~ -580 cm – Multiplicity : 700 ~ 1500 K+ Cut (PosParticleList) –Charge : 1 –Bx (impact parameter) : -5~5 cm –By : -2 ~2 cm –Momentum Range : 3<p<100 –Mass2 : 0.12 < m2 < 0.36 –SetDedxSigma : 0.9 ~ 1.03 K- Cut (NegParticleList) –Charge : -1 –Bx (impact parameter) : -5~5 cm –By : -2 ~2 cm –Momentum Range : 3<p<100 –Mass2 : 0.12 < m2 < 0.36 –SetDedxSigma : 0.9 ~ 1.03 I don’t need PID..

Event Cut

Track Cut


Compare with yoo’s result MeanSigma Choiku ’s MeV 3.9 MeV Yoo’s MeV 3.3 MeV Particl e Databo ok MeV 4.26 MeV

Another interest ~!! Kaon(Strangeness) Suppression?? or Strangeness Enhancement??